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=> Let Today`s Sillies Begin...

Let Today`s Sillies Begin...
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Monday, June 28 2004, 14:11:06 (CEST)
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Re: Grenade attack on Church in Mosul

Posted By: Shamiran <> (
Date: Monday, 28 June 2004, at 12:03 a.m.

In Response To: Grenade attack on Church in Mosul (George)

Great...another attack,

...that`s what we said when the United States decided unilaterally against the advice of the United Nations to go to war against Iraq a second. time...

the question remains, what can be done to warrant protection for our people in Assyria? can start by worrying about Iraq, which is where "Assyria" used to be. Then you can promise to never ask or help support another Christian that decides to starve to death Iraqi children for, you see, this can make Muslims angry and then they may want to blow your fucking churches up.

Here's a suggestion, contact your local governments, if not, contact UN offices, the Human Rights Commission, even Christian fellowships.

...nah. We tried all of that already...the UN couldn`t do anything..other governments couldn`t stop Bush and the pope couldn`t is a fellowship of Christians who started this war so what do you want them to do...stop?

We need to have a petition going, signed by Assyrians in Diaspora to be distributed to the major international organizations to have our voices heard and as such, get the recognition that is needed to prevent such acts from continously tormenting our people.

...your petritions aren`t worth the paper they`re one will pay attention to`re merely hoping this "tragedy" will get people motivated to Titty with you. There were plenty of more powerful voices than yours that also went unheeded...and you know just what to play at TITTIES and hope this will do it. Who is taking steps to stop continuously tormenting the people of Iraq? In such a cruel world where people got comfortable with starving children to death...why should anyone much care about your woes.?

We can't lose if each person took the initiative to send and resend the UN or its member organizations, even NGO's letters or emails inquiring into the protection of Assyrians in Iraq, if we all speak in one voice and for one cause...the protection of our people and assurance of our rights as an ethnic, indigenous and religious minority, the end result will be promising.

..bullshit. Of course you`ll what will all your voices accomplish? You are not are a Christian minority getting it in the shorts every time you Christians attack Muslim countries where the people can only get at YOU for revenge..just as the minority Muslims in America are paying every time a Chritian American gets it in can`t cheer one on without being made to pay in kind..that`s all.

We said..Justice and Fair Play and decency and respect are PRINCIPLES to be protected and enjoyed by ALL...they are not things only YOU deserve. When you protect another person`t right to these things, even an`ll be as assured as you can be that they`ll be extended to you...Jesus said so you lunkhead.


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