Lone Ranger Costume... |
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- Sunday, July 4 2004, 20:05:10 (CEST) from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
..when I wasa kid in the 50s the Lone Ranger and Davy Crockett were HOT! Every boy wanted to be one of them..dress up etc. For my kids I suppose it`s a Darth Vader costume...or something. I remember being mighty frustrated that Lone Ranger "costumes" had the words LONE RANGER plastered all over them, with pictures of him on a rearing Trigger on the chaps...and the hat too and his SIGNATURE of all things on the barrel of his six-shooter!. I never saw the Lone Ranger wearing such silly outfits. Roy Rogers outfits were just as bad. It seemed that instead of approximating the real thing so any self-respecting kid could at least fake it for real, those costumes were screaming out FAKE!!! This kid is NOT what he`s pretending to be!!! LOOKIT THE DUMMY!!! LOOKIT at what his MAMA bought for him!!!! We all knew we weren`t the Lone Ranger of Tonto either...but at least let us PRETEND well. That`s the problem the boys have. They`re really Christians of the MidEast...something they disdain to be, so they`ve adoped a costume..the costume of an "Assyrian" of all things...and it looks about as convincing as Tonto`s did. They plaster the name ASSYRIAN over all their Christian rituals...much as the Jews plastered their name all over OUR HERITAGE! They "talk" like the Lone Ranger..they wear costimes that SAY the Lone Ranger on them, they walk, smell, eat and shit as if they WERE the Lone Ranger..but you know they`re not..that just under the costume, that looks so damn fake anyway..is just a boy pretending to be what he in no way measures up to. That`s why, if you barely scratch their surface...ruffle a feather in their fake headress...the boys will come out roaring and spitting and yelling at you...more like a boy than any Assyrian I ever heard of. Tontos indeed. --------------------- |
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