Morality is a Front |
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- Wednesday, September 8 2004, 19:31:08 (CEST) from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
..what this amounts to is people expressing their faith in the rule of LAW over the dictates of a mad monk from a desert of 4000 years ago..who even THEN flew in the face of decency and common justice and fair play..exemplified at the time by the Assyrians and others of BetNahrain. It doesn`t matter the CONTENT of the morals or whom the followers of which god follow in prefernce to the fifty other gods on earth. What matters is that people can pursue WHATEVER morality they want so long as they don`t break HUMAN Laws..made by flawed and happy go lucky Humans...god will get his mits on us in heaven..let him stay the fuck out of our way here. If they can farily enact their morality into Law...then we have to follow THOSE Laws..but the fact is they can`t. They`ve been losing ground steadily as we`ve tried to extricate ourselves from Judo Morality and become more decent folk..and we were getting there in the ONE way thse god people can`t stand..we were opening up membership to the Country Club to EVERYBODY...Queer to Transvestite, Transexual, Black, Brown and ESPECIALLY Women with that hot, passionate, Sweet and life giving VAGINA that scares these assholes name it...all those people who have been denied full Humanity because of what they ARE..not because of anything they DID...except five Jews 3000 years ago decided THEIR turd of a god didn`t approve. Who the fuck asked him? People just as religious but a whole lot smarter preserved the right to believe in whatever god you want and THAT`S what`s killing these fuckers..who are being used by a narrow political WHITE minrity as a way to consolidate their ECONOMIC hold onto power...power they STOLE and want more of..if they don`t like the new "Disrespect" their religion and god gets from me and others..let them blame themselves for turning Jesus into their preferred Front...THEY made a mockery of him..not me. Fuck your god and you with it! --------------------- |
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