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=> Murder Inc.

Murder Inc.
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Saturday, July 3 2004, 18:20:43 (CEST)
from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title:

Attack Kills 5 Iraqi Troops Near Baghdad

By DANICA KIRKA, Associated Press Writer

BAGHDAD, Iraq - Insurgents attacked an Iraqi checkpoint south of the capital on Saturday, killing five national guard soldiers and wounding five more, hospital officials said.

...when NATO agreed to "train Iraqi Security Forces" simply meant prepare them to carry on this war and expand it...only by having Iraqi kill the behest of the Americans. And Iraqis know that full well. These "troops" and any others coming in to "help secure" the continuation of the unjustified war against the people of Iraq...are nothing more than Levies...the same ones Hanna longs to join.

...And that`s really what these "peacekeepers" will be doing...they will ENSURE that the war goes on..for without them, or the Americans, Iraqis would stand a chance, after one huge blood-bath, of setling their scores and moving on..but that is not to be allowed them..instead the security forces will be supplied and trained to kill better and this will cause revenge attacks and the "security situation" will continue to "deteriorate", much to Bush`s delight...who will then say..."Those Iraqis just DON`T want Peace"! And Muslims will once again be painted as all being war mongering nuts when it`s the Christians who stared this...AGAIN!

...The Nazis did the same...they used the French to fight the French..setting up the puppet government of Vichy..the "peace keeping forces" of its day...created by those who made war against the enrite country in the first place to spare them any further embarrassment and costs. And you would be pleased to know how the French viewd Vichy and its goons when the war was over.

NATO is just code for "Levies"...and all they will do is make Iraqis even angrier...cause a greater divide between those who want real independence and those willing to settle for anything and call that freedom. It`s merely a way for the United States to continue its oil grab by using others to "train" Iraqis so the two brothers can go on killing each other while Bush and Cheney continue robbing the Iraqi people..all of them.

I know, I know..I am an enema of Peace...


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