Nationalist`s Dilemna |
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- Friday, June 18 2004, 20:06:46 (CEST) from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
Aprim has secret information that 100,000 Iraqi Christians are going to be killed..only first every one of them is going to be raped by dogs and mules..then children will have their hearts removed and fed to their parents..then they`ll be cooked alive slowly, the whole thing to be filmed right down to the screams and pleas. Aprim can foil the whole thing by letting the proper authorities know..and those 100,000 will be spared and public outcry at what would have been a horrible crime...forces the authorities to guarantee they`ll never do such a thing again and all those Christians can go back to work. He has it in his power to save them all. But then Peter Jassim and DeKelaita and Firas and several other deep thinkers and loves of Assyria and justice and triangles take a hard look at "Reality": They see they have to win over hearts and minds if they are to be given a country by the Muslims. They know that if this massacre and mass tortute is time people will forget what COULD have happened, because it didn`t. And there go all those hearts and minds..what a lost opportunity. Or...if the boys are real and true Assyrian Nationalists who love their homeland and want to revive the power and might that was Assyria..they could just sit on Fred, I mean on his information and wait for things to unfold. Now, in life you have to make sacrifices, some that are really tough..but it`s a measure of how much you love your people, who are being mistreated as things stand now...if you can make the really tough choices. So the boys decide to secretly notify their own friends and relatives who might get killed...well, after all there are enough to be killed without them...and then they wait. They reason that after the massacre there`s an excellent chance that the sheer horror of such a thing will finally open Britain and America`s heart and Treasurey to the plight of these "poor people". Now...which do you think the boys would choose to do? And there you have your reason these ghouls were "forced" to leave Iraq. --------------------- |
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