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- Friday, June 25 2004, 18:34:48 (CEST) from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
..form the "World is Round After All" bureau with additional insight from the "Gee Is THAT What Democracy Is"? desk: But...before we get into it...take special note of the crossing out of the name "Kurdishtan"...this is how heroes behave...if trhey don`t like, they mark through it with a crayon. [ Post Response ] [ Read Prev Msg ] [ Read Next Msg ] If civil war erupts after handover, Kirkuk may be its starting point ...there is handover of anything...that`s just the day the puppets get longer strings. Posted By: Mazin Enwiya ( Date: Friday, 25 June 2004, at 9:24 a.m. Posted on Thu, Jun. 24, 2004 By Mark McDonald Knight Ridder Newspapers KIRKUK, Iraq - The children at the Shorja middle school in Kirkuk raise the flag and sing the anthem every morning - the ##### flag and the Kurdish national anthem. There's not an Iraqi flag in sight. "Look at our past, how red it is with blood," they sing. "Let no one say the Kurds are no more. They are here, and their flag never falls." ...great, enlist them when they`re young..that and to kill for THEIR one and only god. The Kurdish anthem, like the Kurdish past, is blood-soaked and dramatic, and many people in northern Iraq expect more bloodletting very soon. If there's going to be a civil war in Iraq - and many believe that's inevitable - the first cut, and the deepest, could well come in Kirkuk. that anywhere near "Jajo`s Holiday and Village Reclamation Plan"? The U.S.-led Coalition Provisional Authority yields control of the Iraqi government on June 30, and the stability of the country, perhaps even the region, could be determined by what happens in oil-rich Kirkuk. does no such`s sleight of hand to match slight of head. "The worry is that when we go, the political vacuum will get filled in a cataclysmic way," said Paul Harvey, the Kirkuk coordinator for the CPA. ...then why did you ever come? The violence has already started. A spate of unsolved political murders has hit Kirkuk in recent weeks, and coalition officials now use bodyguards and armored cars at all times. The U.S. airbase has been taking light but regular mortar attacks, especially after Friday afternoon prayers., no, dear fellow. The violence atrted 14 years ago when American oilmen like Pappy Bush decided there was a prize there to die for. Saboteurs also have blown up two pipelines in the last month, one of them an important export pipeline. ...that`s way after American saboteurs blew up water and sweage treatment plants, elctricity plants hospitals and schools. You don`t get to pick and choose moments in hisotry either...we aren`t as stupid as you think we are. Kirkuk is a sprawling, dust-choked city of nearly 1 million people. It's made up of Kurds, Arabs, Turkmens and Assyrian Christians. The size of each community is a matter of hot debate. All but the Assyrians claim to be predominant., they merely calim to be the original owners of the land and want the rest of the people to leave...very reasonable. Thank you for at least saying they are Assyrian CHRISTIANS. Let them run barefot to China and do their lord`s work some more. The Kurds are Muslims, but they're neither Arab nor Persian. They're a separate ethnic group with their own language and customs. Most of the estimated 4.5 million Iraqi Kurds live in the north. ...ethnic groups is a meaningless distinction put forth by Americans who are all one ethnic group..."American"...and that encompassas pizza and chow mein and Christ and Buddha and Muhammad...they got wise, they dropped these assinine distinctions and they`re kicking the asses of all of you who still insist you`re a different sort of Human Bean..willing to kill others and get your own children killed. The Turkmens are an ethnic group with linguistic and cultural ties to Turkey, and they practice a moderate form of Shiite Islam. Assyrians have lived in the region for centuries. ...then you could Alabamans an ethnic group with linguistic ties to England and cultural ties to hogs...that`s still noreason to kill children. "There's so little trust among the different groups that it's hard to see how civil war can be avoided," said Ismael Shukir, a professor of modern Kurdish history at the University of Salahaddin. "Kirkuk could be the flashpoint for all of Iraq. All the nationalities are preparing for a big fight." .they are not nationalities..they are religious sects driven to frenzy by their fucking priests and mullahs and reverends and fakirs and shammans..all of whom can only hope to avoid real work if this nonsense persists and parents need to pay them to "teach" it. The ultimate prize is the oil, and Kirkuk sits atop an ocean of it. The Kirkuk fields hold an estimated 40 percent of all the oil in Iraq. fogot to mention to whom that ultimate prize in Kirkuk is the ultimate cause of this war and misery...American Oily Bidnessmen. And a divided >Iraq in the throes of RELIGIOUS war is just what they need to drive the price into their pockets. The state-owned Northern Oil Co. controls the Kirkuk crude, which is pumped north to the Turkish port of Ceyhan on the Mediterranean. Exports have been halted for pipeline repairs, but outflows reportedly have never reached more than one-fourth capacity since liberation. ..liberation doesn`t bring a country to Civil War...fucking them over does. Harvey, a career British diplomat who'd never been to the Middle East before, thinks a war in Kirkuk isn't inevitable, although he admits that there are "huge challenges ahead . . . and every problem here has an ethnic dimension to it." ..we too have a lot of people who haven`t been anywhere but get quoted anyway. Foreign powers and various Baghdad regimes have been fiddling with the ethnic makeup of Kirkuk for the better part of a century. Now it's the locals who are doing the tampering. ...this is the legacy of the last oil grab, the first one too, that would be the First World War when Ottoman Turkey was attacked by the combined might of Industrial Christianty that now runs on petroleum like it used run on coal and burning heretics before that. Got to keep those motors going. Kirkuk and its outlying farming villages are being flooded with Kurdish refugees, many of whom Saddam Hussein brutally displaced 20 years ago. ...who hasn`t been brutal 20 years ago? You think ther world is running to America because people hate their homelands? There are all sorts of ways to create refugees..and America did a first rate job in Latin America for decades..who do you think runs the machinery in America..white boys? When Saddam kicked out the Kurds, he moved in Arabs. Since liberation, the returning Kurds have been reclaiming their homes and farms, sometimes ejecting the Arab tenants at gunpoint. Arab-Kurd tension is unmistakable and nasty. ...I`d say American-Iraqi tension is pretty nasty led to half a million starved to death Assyrian children, many of them Christians. The unmistable fact is that America went to the MidEast to steal oil at its price...and it`s done whatever it toom to get it..the people of the MidEast did not come to America for anything...they get the TV shows beamed to them. Meanwhile, Kurdish political parties have been paying Kurds to move to Kirkuk before elections and a census. ..that`s okay, American political parties used to pay people for their votes...and they still do, only it`s the corportaions who pay the politicnas for THEIR votes...on pleasing legislation... After liberation last year, the Patriotic Union of ##### and the ##### Democratic Party quickly seized the city's broadcast center and set up their own TV stations. ...always go for the media and the schools next..that`s why the Repubs systematrically changed media ownership laws, so they could control the "news" content in any given market and produce their adverts. They transferred squads of Kurdish police officers to Kirkuk. And the Kurdish president of the university in the city of Irbil exhorted his Kurdish professors to move to Kirkuk to claim teaching posts there. ...big deal. Turkmen political agents, meanwhile, have been conducting covert censuses of their people in the city. And the Arabs, like the other groups, cite dusty historical tracts to substantiate their claims that Kirkuk is traditionally theirs. want to talk about dust? Check out the Christian claims that they are the indigenous people..based entirely on their Israeli religion...goofy no? If things do turn cataclysmic, the Kurds could mobilize 70,000 armed men, most of them well-trained guerrilla fighters. These Kurdish peshmerga, "those who face death," fought alongside U.S. Special Forces teams against Saddam's troops. ...IF they turn? Are you deef? Does it mater all that much who is doing the killing..and for what god and reason? Would you care who it was that killed your child...or that your child was dead whoever did it? Check your flaps...Iraqis have been dying and being murdered and starved for almost two decades and your alarmed because the people doing the killing might change jerseys? Turkmen parties also claim to have a military force in ready reserve. Turkey continues to make baleful statements about coming to the aid of its Iraqi brethren. ...why balefull? Is it only balefull when others come to the rescue of their own...was it comendable or reasonable that Americans vowed to kill everybody for what 19 Saudis did to them? Sunni insurgents and Shiite volunteers could intervene on behalf of Kirkuk's Arabs. ...yes, they certainly could..and this scenario was well thought in Washington before this last`s nothing more than what they came to accomplish. There are reports of thousands of armed Shiite volunteers mustering across the border in Iran, and the Shiite cleric Muqtada al Sadr also seems to be anticipating a fight in Kirkuk. He's been busing some of his followers into the city. ...there are still thousands of Americans mustering and blustering and murdering inside Iraq..on the borders of Iran and Syria...think they should be concerned? "They come on Fridays, they pray at the mosque, then they create chaos in the streets," said Mudhafer Obed, whose TV and appliance shop is around the corner from the mosque. ..the Christians come whenever..they pray and they create chaos in the hospitals, homes, water and sewage treatment plants etc. You are trying to make Americans good guys when they kill and create chaos..and anyone who opposes them with their own chaos and murder into villains...stop using Isarel as your attack a fair price for the oil that belongs to others, or pump your own..and see if any Muslim bothers you...tough it`s understandable now that many want revenge for its own sake..sad but inevitable..and you knew it. How else could you rob our Treasure and gut the Constitution so that in forty years we`ll be hog tied at your feet? There are other new faces, as well. "All the intelligence services are here making problems: the Mossad (Israel), the CIA, (the Russian) FSB, the (Turkish) MIT. It only takes one of these agencies to make a lot of mischief," said Mahmoud Chalabi, a Turkmen political analyst. ..they are the real Terroists. Tahssin Kahya, the chief of the Kirkuk city council, believes al-Qaida and Ansar al Islam terror cells are operating in the city. Muhammad Ihsan, the minister for human rights in the ##### regional government, also blames "ex-Baathists, Iran, Saudi fundamentalists and Syrian agents" for inciting ethnic hatred. ...god induces religious hatred..what you people are calling ethicity is merely god-insanity. The 40-member Kirkuk city council, which will take over from the CPA, is composed of 13 Kurds, 10 Arabs, 10 Turkmen and seven Assyrians. The council has been fractious, dithering and ineffective. ..that`s because the Christians show them the way..(sorry, couldn`t resist) "Every council member comes to meetings representing only his own nationality," said Kahya, a Turkmen. "It's like all these uneducated policemen we had to hire. They're out there representing only their own nationality, not the law." ..amen to that. It isn`t "nationality". There is one nation, that`s Iraq. The problem is the priests get a hold of children when they`re young and shit in their heads...and don`t flush..much later you get people who don`t religion from nation from a toilet. Religion kills...that`s what it was invented for,,,that`s why governments like it and support`s the reason the Romans became Christian and shoved it down the thraot of all the people they enslaved..and had their priests teach the children of slaves that they WANTED to be Christian. The immediate future of Kirkuk will have a direct bearing on the possible creation of an independent #####. There are some 25 million Kurds spread across eastern Turkey, northern Iraq, Syria, Iran and Azerbaijan. They're a distinct nationality, but they've never had their own nation. ...they are not a distinct nationality. That word has no meaning in the modern era....not in the more advanced Nations that are running this murderous sideshow. Thereps no such thing as a Basque Nation within Spain..ask anybody. The Irish Protestants are not a distinct nation within Ireland, even though their ancestors came there from England...but they too were killing each other`s children for God a few years ago and had been for some time. These are outdated, murderous notions that are being ncouraged and fueled by articles such as yours. There are ONE people...who are divided by their stupidity..that is all. To address the issue we have to address the stupidity, not seek to legitimaize it for personal gain...better education is the kwy and to do that all religious "teachers" need to be drowndead. "We have the right to have our own country. It's the dream of every Kurd," said Jabar Abdullah, a senior Kurdish leader in Irbil. "But for the time being, our future is with Iraq." one has a RIGHT to anything. They have an obligation, it would seem, to talk dumb and make sure their own children suffer. Europe learned long ago to leave god out of public life because he kills and kills and kills. These people ahven`t learned that yet...they need to bleed for centuries more. And with the United States. The Kurdish leadership is hoping that a new airport being built outside Irbil will double as a permanent base for the U.S. military. ...what a thing to pin your hopes for peace on. It isn`t like they weren`t betrayed once already by a Bush. "Kurds represent the nucleus of a democratic, pluralistic system, and our values match those of the Americans," said Abdullah. "Until now, the U.S. has had only one democratic ally in the Middle East - Israel. Now it has two." ...jeezus..that about says it all. But even with U.S. backing, ##### would have no direct access to the sea, complicating its oil exports, trade relations and economic viability. ...another surprise. What's more, ##### would find itself in a tough neighborhood: Iran, Turkey, Syria and a new, Arab-dominated Iraq aren't likely to tolerate an independent, oil-rich Kurdish nation in their backyards. ...more surprise. If nationhood is the Kurds' No. 1 goal, then having Kirkuk as their capital runs a close second. Future petro-billions from Kirkuk's oil fields are critical to Kurdish independence. they are not. The American Military is crucial to them..the oil billions are crucial to oily American bidnessmen. "This Kurdish compulsion to join Kirkuk to ##### is a major problem," said Kahya. "The Kurds believe that unless they achieve this goal, they'll have achieved nothing." ..and they will too...I mean achieve nothing. None of this will bring peace and security to the America`s other ally, Israel hasn`t and doesn`t want to. This merely sets the stage for the long, slow strangulation of all those people..all of them willing to kill and die for nothing..literally nothing for they`re all merely talking to themselves or the thin air when they suppose a god is listening to them...I mean look the kind of advice they`ve been getting from him...? --------------------- |
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