The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> No Shit!

No Shit!
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Sunday, June 13 2004, 20:05:19 (CEST)
from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title:

"The Americans hope that establishment of a sovereign Iraqi government will drain support for the insurgency, allowing security to improve so that balloting for an elected administration can be held by the end of January.

But militants — both Saddam loyalists and those with radical Islamic motivation — have long considered Iraqis who cooperate with the American-run occupation to be collaborators. Although the new government is supposed to become sovereign, its top figures were all appointed in a process in which the American occupation authorities played a major role in the selections. Iraqis will not have an elected government until a national ballot planned by the end of January."

...That America played THE dominant role in bringing this entire 14 year war to the people of Iraq will not be forgotten by the people of Iraq who will continue to view any of the people of Iraq who aid or benefit in this effort to dictate the future of the people of Iraq as collaborators and we all know what those sorts of people get...Christian or Muslim...who will be killed by the people of Iraq accordingly...who do not appreciate the people of America killing ANY of the people of Iraq.

...what the fuck did we expect?

...After this latest spate of murder brought to Iraqis, the boys` reminders of what their manuscripts say they suffered 1000 years ago rings a little hollow.


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