No Shit! |
Posted by
- Thursday, June 10 2004, 16:58:21 (CEST) from - Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
"U.N. diplomats said the decision was made to keep a reference to the interim constitution — the Transitional Administrative Law — out of the resolution to appease Iraq's most influential Shiite cleric, Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Husseini al-Sistani, who grudgingly accepted the charter when it was approved in March..." ...there you have it. And this is hardy a new development...nor should it come as a shock to the boys...Grand Sistani won`t make any concession to the Kurds...who are Muslim. You think he`s going to concede anything to the Christians...of the same religion as and supporters of the Americans who brought this business enterprise to Iraq? ...Do you mean to say the boys..with all their learning and books and study of history NEVER envisioned a majority rule..a democractic majority rule in a country that is Muslim for the greater part that would democractically and freely refuse them anything? I`m telling you...they knew it all along as they know it now..know that their triangles and their legitimate rights mean nothing anywhere..but that isn`t the point! The point is to continue justifying their rape into Christianity by arguing over fine points and with each if to PROOOOVE their loyalty and committment to their rapists...people held hostage and threatened with their lives or with the loss of their loved ones "identify" with the very people who hold the power of life and death over them...our boys identify with Christianity..they sort of force themselves to..that`s where all these absurd arguments about how Jesus is really the same as where`s the harm...come is a doomed attempt to justify the unjustifiable..which is why they`re where they are...and why there`s an Assyrian monument in San Francisco and one languishing in took an Assyrian to have pride in being an takes Christians, offspring of Roman rapists, to continue doing the church`s work...which is: slandering and sliming Ashur and his people and their achievements...but doing it from behind an Assyrian Front. --------------------- |
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