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=> On "Arabizing"...and Christian Arabs

On "Arabizing"...and Christian Arabs
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Sunday, June 20 2004, 23:11:32 (CEST)
from Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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They aren`t of course…unless they were born in Arabia and no one is "Arabizing" anyone. Ever since all the prisons and mental institutions in Iraq, Syria and Turkey opened their doors, much as Castro did when Carter was presiden, and said, “you want to go to Freedom and Democracy and Christian lands….GO!”…ever since then there`s been a drastic falling off in the quality of what we were used to thinking of as “Assyrians”. The intellectual level has dropped somewhere around Cro-Magnon with the moral aptitude of the lower forms of beasts.

Take their hue and cry that Saddam was “ARABIZING” them. Their argument is that since Islam is from Arabia, that is the religion originated in that country…anyone who is Muslim MUST be Arab. It`s silly on several grounds so naturally the boys believe it passionately. Based on that same logicequeak, any Christian anywhere is really an Israeli because Christianity was born in Israel…that means America, Canada, all of Latin America as well as Europe are all filled with Israelis who should all “go back where they came from and stop being Uslurpers”. They mean “usurpers”.

The dumb corollary to this idiotic proooves is that people who immigrate from one country to another remain forever the same as their original ancestors…300 and 1000 years later…any Englishman who came to America in 1750 and fought in the Revolutionary War against England…down to and including all his descendants for 2000 and forever, are all Englishmen and women..the same as if they`d never left England.

These two assinine “points” of theirs mean that any Muslim in Iraq today belongs in Arabia, not Iraq…no matter how long ago he or she settled there and that goes for all their offspring for 1300 years even if none of them know where Arabia is or have ever been there. They also insist that any Muslim in Iraq, or Egypt or Syria or Jordan…and I suppose in Mongolia and Jkakarta is an Arab…because they all came with Muhammad`s armies…for NO ONE ever converted to Islam…but all Muslims are the direct descendants of the soldiers in the Muslim army that conquered the area. This is supposed to help them claim direct descent from the Assyrians..don`t ask.

We all know Saddam used to be Christian..that is his family line was way back we know of many Muslim`s who switched in the recent past, so it has happened that Christians convert to Islam, only to the boys they become Arabs the minute they do..I told you they`re nuts didn`t I?. It`s also obvious that desert Arabs didn`t build the fabulous Islamic Empire that just so happened to be built right on top of Babylon…and not in Mecca or Medina…because it was the people cultures of Betnahrain, that conquered the Arabs in the end and benefited from their more vigorous religion of Islam. up off their knees and went out and built another great empire that saved the accumulated Learning and Letters and Science of the ancient and classical world while the pope were burning Giordano Bruno at the stake and threatening Galileo with the same if he didn`t shut up and be stupid…for Jesus..

All Saddam did was say that the ancient Assyrians were the ancestors of ALL Iraqis…irrespective of religion..and that`s what set the boys off…for they immediately brought out their dusty proves and pointed out the “facts” as they spread them..that Saddam was from Arabia..that Muslims were from Arabia…conveniently forgetting that they were from Israel themselves in that case…and insisting therefore, that for all Iraqis to claim descent from ALL the cultures of Iraq was “stealing” the Assyrian heritage from THEM because they had proooves that ONLY Christians can be Assyrian, in their ditzy Syriac manuscripts they`re so proud of…”and never mind now about that other thing…where you say Christians should go back to Israel etc…that`s silly.”

Sadd m never..and Dr Donny George never and no one in Iraq ever said the Assyrians were from Arabia..that`s absurd. Iraqi scholars and scientists participated in world wide conferences and published articles and nowhere did they say or would they be so stupid to think that Assyrians were Arabs from Arabia. BUT…no Iraqi would accept the claim that ALL Assyrians MUST be Christians today. Once again Islam shows its greater tolerance for they will include Christians as descendants of the Assyrians..will not tell them all to go back to Israel….or claim they are making Jews of the Assyrians…but it`s the Christians who insist that ONLY Jews, okay Christians, what`s the diff…can be descended from the Assyrians.

They are the ones standing history and any common sense , let alone scholarship, on its head to claim something so patently absurd. All Iraqi Muslim Assyrians are saying is…”us too”. While the Jew-inspired Christians are saying “ONLY us”.


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