On Being Assyrian... |
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- Thursday, July 1 2004, 17:15:00 (CEST) from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
..in any meaningful sense of the word...and I stress "meaningful". No one is saying the Assyrian Heritage was wiped off the face of the earth..even after we went our separate ways, each religious variant evolved and influenced and was influenced by the new religions and cultures that came with them, just as they were influenced by the new countries they moved to. All we`re sayng is that it is absurd for one of those religions, Christianity to insist they are the ONLY real and true descendants of the ancients...based on nothing more than their Jew religion and a language they sort of speak that was spoken by everyone and his brither back then...and that survived at all only because it became a part of their Jewish rituals..a language their children are increasingly ignorant of and could care less about..which no amount of pretending or wailing is going to do anything to change. Things aren`t getting better for these people, they`re getting worse...and will only increase in the same direction..there is no triangle forthcoming and killing everyone if you can`t get your way proves more than anything how unfit these people are to be Assyrians, in any meaningful sense of the word. It is preposterous to claim Assyrians were pure anything back then...as silly as to claim we haven`t changed a bit in 4000 years. The only criterion the boys have, their litmus test, is how Christian you are coupled with how fervently you believe something is owed to you by your people who turned to Islam. To promote this point they`ve stood history and reason on its head, defied science and archaelogy, not to mention human psychology of which they only recognize sweet tea as a proper sign thereof..and any number of simple realities...and it stil amazes them that people have serious doubts...and for an Assyrian to doubt this fairy tale really makes them livid. It is our shared BACKGROUND..it isn`t who we are today...in any meaningful sense of the word. The Christians among us and not even most of those, merely use this claim to direct and unsullied descent as a wedge to try to pry some land loose..or some concessions for their Christian faith..which isn`t Assyrian at all but Jewish...and everyone there sees that and thinks even less of those people for trying such a stupid ploy...believing any Muslim will be so silly as to think they have legitimate point and real proooves. The Assyrina Heritage is as strong as we make it and rather than blowing the country up if it can`t be Christian, or change its name...we would prefer to get us all respecting and enhancing the Heritage...that does NOT mean doing anything for Christianity. Let Christianity take care of itself..if it can`t do it in China or Iraq, let it go where it can. The Assyrian Heritage is respected in Iraq and held in high esteem and is seen as only ONE of several reasons to be proud of that entire region..and to want to blow it all up if Muslims won`t give in to Christians..is more of the bloody absurd business of this same bloody absurd Church that was content to burn people at the stake and never would have stopped had not ALL people come together and stopped it by force. ` Take the boys, or their children and raise them in China in a village by Chinese parents and they`ll become devoutly Chinese and swear by all the propaganda put into their heads as babies as fight with anyone who questions their Chinese identity. If all people were built like that we never would have left the caves. People question, even when they`re born in the middle of China..that`s how China evolved...and they questioned in Judea..that`s how Jesus evolved. We`re merely following in the same path..we`re questioning, that`s all. He got reviled and villified for it too..by some very true believers of HIS day who would tolerate no questions, to deviation from the "truth". EVERY Fascsist believes HIS truth is THE truth..whether a boy or a Pharisee or a Roman. The people who will save this planet are those who aren`t afraid to ask questions..and we will ALWAYS get our mothers trashed by those who are desperate to have things stay as they are. Obviously the world has evolved..and so has what it means to be Assyrian. No one knows what it was..but we can preserve the land and the people..all of them as well as their various religious faiths..which those lands of the Ottomans were doing just fine till the European Christians brought theft, war and destruction to them. From that day onward local Christians were a suspect people..not because of being Assyrian or Armenean or Greek..but because they were liable abd susceptible to having ideas of revived Christian glory whispered into their ears..the more ignorant and out of it the more eager to hear promises of restored glory for their religion. The churches and mosques and temples are to blame for seeking to keep people divided in order to maintain their own power base..fuck them all and let`s come together...this other way will kill our children. No one in the MidEast has it out for Assyrian except as so far as they insist that ONLY they can be descendants..and then pure descendants of people who were never Christians and were tolerant of EVERYBODY. That`s crazy stuff right there..everything else flows from that. --------------------- |
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