The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Ooops! and hehehehe and of course LOOL!!!

Ooops! and hehehehe and of course LOOL!!!
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Thursday, June 10 2004, 17:26:51 (CEST)
from - Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title:

Posted By: Bur Hawil (
Date: Thursday, 10 June 2004, at 8:23 a.m.

In Response To: proposed Assyrian administrative region *PIC* (Hanna Hajjar)

Dear Mr. Hajjar.

I agree with your proposed triangle as being much more appropriate and realistic than the one at AINA
But your statements need explanation.

Whilst you say we are the indigenous people of the region, with which I agree, you say we should claim what is legitimately ours. At the same time you say US policies do not allow borderlines to be drawn on ethnic grounds!

Many questions are raised here. If US is the determining factor or power, has it acknowledged us as indigenous people? For that mater has any other power? and if so why have they called it #####? If not, how can you say ours is legitimate claim and on what basis?

With kind regards.

Bur Hawil

...another ENEMA is born.


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