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=> PITHYOU??? Are you KIDDING me???

PITHYOU??? Are you KIDDING me???
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Wednesday, June 16 2004, 22:09:49 (CEST)
from Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title:`s what these "Assyrians" do best..moan, whine and piss..or in this case PITH....couldn`t they have found anyone else to write this thing? It is of course filled with all the weepy lies and gross exagerrations and ass kissing "stragtegies" they`ve ever relied on..and they wonder why no one wants them in the office, staining the furniture...

George W. Bush, President
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave, NW
Washington, DC 20500
14 June, 2004

Dear Mr. President,

I wrote you a letter, copy enclosed, on 16 December, 2002, to express to you on behalf of myself and the thousands of Assyrians affiliated with our Ancient Church of the East in the United States, in Iraq, and elsewhere in the world, our appreciation for what you had done to recognize the Assyrian Democratic Movement as one of the constituent members of the opposition to Saddam Hussein?s regime. Iraq was not yet liberated at that time. are a Christian minority using an Assyrian front..that is all.

Once again, Mr. President, allow me to express my deep gratitude and full support, on behalf of our congregation here in Chicago and on behalf of all the Assyrians affiliated with the Ancient Church of the East in the U.S., in Iraq, and elsewhere in the world, for your decision to liberate Iraq from the tyrannical and inhuman regime of Saddam Hussein. We firmly believe that when history is finally written about this period, when the fog of war has settled, your decisions and actions in Iraq will be recognized as a turning point in history just like the battle of Tours in France in 732 AD turned out to be a turning point in reversing the advance of Moorish Islamic forces into Western Europe. Today dark, radical and reactionary Islamic forces are once again hard at work to wipe out any vestiges of Christianity or secularism from the Middle East and South Asia in what they view, in their twisted and distorted vision, as a war of Islam against what they call ?crusaders? and ?infidels?. The only hope that history will not repeat itself and that radical and fundamentalist Islamic forces will not prevail, Mr. President, is what the U.S. is doing in Iraq under your leadership ? turning the country into a beacon of light for the whole area by establishing a free, independent and democratic state where human, religious, political and ethnic rights of individuals and groups are enshrined in a permanent constitution and where the minority is not oppressed by the majority. But the only guarantee that the provisions of the constitution become the law of the land, abided by and respected by all, is if the United States maintains a long term military presence in Iraq because time and again the military regimes of the Middle East have proved that, to them, constitutions are not worth the ink and paper they are written on. In fact, the first communiqu? of every coup has been to declare that the constitution is abolished and marshal law imposed.

...this guy might as well provide the names and addresses of all Christians in Iraq. I`s like a grand ayatollah writing to the leader of the Muslim nation that attacked New York and now occupies it and praising them for a job well done...while thousands of Muslim Americans are quaking in their tea cups. Does he WANT to get them killed..that much faster? Can`t he wait a little to officiate at the next Martyr`s Day brunch?

With the June 30 deadline for turning over sovereignty to an Iraqi government rapidly approaching, we, Assyrian Christians, are inescapably reminded, with apprehension, of another turn over of independence to an Iraqi government by the British 72 years ago, in 1932, despite the League of Nations? doubts and expressed concerns about the lack of guarantees for the protection of minorities. In less than a year that was followed by the massacre of the Assyrians and by looting and raping of women by the Iraqi army in the Assyrian towns and villages of northern Iraq. Even now Assyrians and others are being killed in Iraq for no other reason than their cooperating with or working for the coalition forces. Just recently several Assyrian women were killed at the entrance to the American Administration headquarters in Baghdad, on their way to work to support their families.

...I wouldn`t bring up the raping of Iraqi women at this time...bad politics. It was you collaborators who brought that also don`t mention that Iraq openned its borders to you and saved you asses when you were running for your lives from Iran..and you repaid them by going to work for the British, who attacked and fucked the country that time.

...the work those women did, "supporting" their familes was on behalf of the people making orphans and widows in other families. Collaborators are marked for death..always have been.

Here, in our beloved America, we also observe some inequities that we hope will be addressed by your administration. It is a recognized fact that the fastest growing religion ? through immigration, reproduction or religious conversion ? is Islam. In every city there is a mosque, probably built and financed by the Saudi government, and yet, ironically, Christians are not allowed to worship as a group even in their own homes in Saudi Arabia. We also feel that Moslem immigrants from the Arab world and Pakistan are flooding U.S. cities not because they are persecuted or discriminated against but for economic reasons while Assyrians and other Christians from the Middle East are often stranded, with school-age children, for years in countries like Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey, and Greece awaiting visas to immigrate to the U.S., Canada, Australia or other Christian countries because of discrimination and intolerance. We hope something will be done by the administration to address this issue.

...are there no Muslims stranded in camps and have they not been there for decades? Are there no dirt poor Muslims in Africa and whining make me sick!

Therefore, Mr. President, we pray and hope that the U.S., having liberated Iraq, will not pull out its forces from the country, under the ongoing and incessant attacks and negative reporting from a liberal media, until strong democratic institutions have been established and enough safeguards have been put in place for the protection of the minorities, and in particular Assyrian Christians, from oppression and religious sectarianism.`s the "liberal Media" thing all over again..I thought that died out long ago..when GE bought up what Disney didn`t own.

We, the Assyrians, were there in Mesopotamia, now called Iraq, for thousands of years B.C., and history is a witness to the fact that we had build empires and civilizations you were not...the Assyrians converted to Islam in far greater numbers than they ever converted to else would you explain the Great Islamic Assyrian Empire? Desert Arabs? You are merely a Christian minority so pissed upon that you`ve grown to enjoy the feeling and can`t get are not the ONLY Assyrians and you`re hardly a good example either.

in that part of the world long before Islam, as a religion or a political entity, appeared on the face of the earth. We are the indigenous people of Mesopotamia. you are not. Christianity is not indigenous to BetNahrain...Ashur is and you have nothing to do with Ashur. ALL the people, regardless of what foreign religions they chose, are the indigenous PEOPLE, not religions, of that land...they just happened to prefer Islam to Christianity..try to take it like a man.

Our people should not be driven out of their ancestral homeland by radical Islamic movements, by religious intolerance or by persecution. We have survived all those forces for millennia by the blood of our martyrs. Now that we are facing a new challenge, we hope that the United States and Britain will not sit as neutral spectators should the situation in Iraq deteriorate and our people are victimized again. For more than a decade, the United States and Britain have protected the Kurds and the Shi?ites from the savagery and tyranny of Saddam Hussein?s regime through the no-fly-zones in the north and south of Iraq. obviously forgot the betrayals where hundreds of thousands died believing the last Bush would help he too promised. Why don`t you stop begging?

We hope that the same protection will be extended to all the minorities when sovereignty is finally turned over to the Iraqi government. That way, we hope, our Christian Assyrian people will be able to live in peace, like all the other ethnic and religious groups, in a sovereign and independent Iraq redeemed as a member of the civilized world.

Iraq was doing just fine before all this with the lowest infant mortality rate in the MidEast, the best health care, best education, with billions in reserve, beautiful cities, plenty of water and all the medicine they still can`t get..after a year of this Liberating Freedom. You are a fool and worse...go to.

God bless you, Mr. President, and God bless America.

Rev. Awiqam Pithyou
Archdeacon, Saint Odisho Church
Chicago, Illinois

pithyou? PITHYOU?? Well, alright then PISS on you!



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