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=> Parhad In Court...

Parhad In Court...
Posted by Paul Younan (Guest) - Tuesday, September 21 2004, 23:34:22 (CEST)
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JUDGE: Mr. Parhad, I will remind you that my patience is wearing thin. Either you present evidence which implicates Mr. Jones in the alleged crime, or I will throw this case out due to lack of evidence. You may proceed in your questioning of the defendant.

PARHAD: Yes, your Honor. Ahem, okay now Mr. that right?

MR. JONES: Yes, that's correct sir.

PARHAD: Now, Mr. "Jones", you are an African American, right?

MR. JONES: Yes, that is true sir.

PARHAD: Okay then, were you there on the night that Mrs. Pulaski was raped?

MR. JONES: I don't know what you mean, sir. Where is "there?"

PARHAD: Don't play your games with me. You understand the gravity of the charges leveled against you by my office, do you not?

MR. JONES: Yes, I think so, sir.

PARHAD: And you have admitted that you are an African-American, have you not?

MR. JONES: Why, yes sir I have. But I don't see how that makes any difference at all.

PARHAD: Don't play with me. You know damn well that being an African-American automatically places you under an aura of suspicion, do you not?

MR. JONES: This is outrageous! How dare you?

PARHAD: Mr. Jones...let me tell you something, okay....

DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Objection, your Honor! The district attorney is badgering the witness!

JUDGE: Mr. Parhad, I will remind you of my previous statements regarding your obligation under the law to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt the guilt of this defendant. Now do you have ANY evidence linking Mr. Jones to the alleged crime?

PARHAD: Well, your Honor, you see...ahem, other African-American males have raped white women, and Mr. Jones just so happens to be an African-American.

JUDGE: And....your point is?

PARHAD: Well, your Honor, that means that he MUST have done it.

JUDGE: Because some African-American males have raped white women in the past, automatically implicates this particular defendent in this alleged incident?

PARHAD: Because he's an African-American, your Honor! Can't you see? Since we know that African-American males never ONCE convinced any white woman to have sex with them, and since we know that ALL African Americans have traditionally "raped them into" submission, then by guilt of association Mr. Jones is guilty of this crime.

JUDGE: Mr. Parhad, you are a despicable man. How dare you stare into my African-American face and make such blatant generalizations?

PARHAD: O, so you're a rapist too, ha? I should have known you were one of them!

JUDGE: Sir, and I do use the term loosely, you have just found yourself in contempt of court!

PARHAD: Kiss my hairy I-raqi ass, Mr. Rapist! HA-HA!

JUDGE: Baliff, please escort this imbecile to the county jail.

PARHAD: This ass....right here, black boy! HAHAHAHAHA!


CourtTV will resume after a brief word from our sponsors......


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