Puddinhead Aprim... |
Posted by
- Sunday, June 27 2004, 5:29:29 (CEST) from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
...what is it with this and proooves' A few years ago he was asking every Chaldean to produce one, JUST ONE document proving they were..then I asked him to produce one that said he was Assyrian and he said he didn`t have to because "I know I am". It was soon after that he went for my children, which forced me to confess that he and I were busted in a toilet French Kissing...and within weeks this hero posted a weepy resignation notice saying we didn`t deserve him...and I agreed. No one deserves an Aprim in their life. Now he`s back asking Kurds for proooves of their population figures when the jackass himself has only Jell-O for figures himself. Let`s all cut this shit out..admit we know next to nothing and see if we can all begin to learn, just learn, to tell the truth a little..but for that to happen we`ve got to stop believing this one god business and he`s MINE! After that first big Honker...what do you expect? Beth Suryoyo Assyrian (Othuroyo) Forum -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Written by Fred Aprim on 27 Jun 2004 03:25:27: As an answer to: You guys live in the past written by Kurdistani on 26 Jun 2004 13:32:25: fact is that kurds are not 40 to 45 millions as you claim. nobody knows what is their exact population. minorities usually inflate their numbers; some to the extreme like kurds do. kurds make around 20 millions in the world (others go further and say 25 millions at best). if you do not agree, prove us wrong with solid figures. thanks. Fred ..the only thing solid about you is your head. Which is terminally impervious to anything BUT nonsense...which flows through it like air...hot air. --------------------- |
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