The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Re: A serious, wordy note to Paul

Re: A serious, wordy note to Paul
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Thursday, August 26 2004, 22:42:32 (CEST)
from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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Paul Younan wrote:
>>How would you respond, in earnest, to such an argument?
>I'd show them this picture where the victims are staked out and flayed, and then ask them to read the Assyrian Epic of Erra and Ishum which advocates the slaughter of Babylonian infants, even if they still suck the milk.

...would you also show them the starving and emaciated bodies of our children...thousands of whom were Assyrian...and remind them of the words of Jesus, whom these murderers revere? And would you do this remembering that our people had no "benefit" of a religion of "Love".


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