The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Re: Chaldean News Editorial

Re: Chaldean News Editorial
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Wednesday, June 30 2004, 16:05:22 (CEST)
from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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all I kept thinking was...I hope the Chaldean community supports the paper. The views seem right on to me. The effort to make "pure" people leads to the murder of impurities sooner or later. America is going through such a thing now with Islam...soon all American Muslism will be seen as somehow "not pure" Americans. And we all know what the media thinks of those "Liberal Leftists"...that they don`t belong in a REAL America either.

The author doesn`t mention the wars of the Catholics and Protestants in which even Christianity tried to purify itself by seeing as alien beings other Christians who merely had a slightly different take on the SAME religion in the SAME villages!

If Mars attacks us, we`ll suddenly discover we have Martian "fellow-travellers" we never noticed before living among us and making us "un-pure".

Wonderful quality in this newspaper..just to be able to see such simple truths these days when Bill Fucking Reily is screaming at everybody is a treat...and that it`s one of our own is an ESPECIAL delight...for we are beginning to look like a Nayshun of pure idiots.


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