The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Re: Chaldean center boasts of rich culture and history

Re: Chaldean center boasts of rich culture and history
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Saturday, July 10 2004, 18:38:44 (CEST)
from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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bravo and way to go!!! I said, "monuments don`t lie"...Aprim does. all this treacle and mush that passes for an Assyrian Heritage, of all things..where pissing and moaning about 987 AD passes for activism and`s good see Chaldeans, who don`t know enough to know they don`t even to nonetheless do something no Assyrian has come close to...except maybe that consummate ass Norman Solkha who has a papier mache "museum" in the slums of Chicago where he`s a well known slumlord...


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