Re: It's almost too easy.... |
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- Saturday, June 26 2004, 17:04:09 (CEST) from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
I really feel sorry for Aprim..which isn`t hard cause he`s so damn sorry to begin with. Here he was counting on being the published.self-published. author of Assyria...and he can`t say two words where he isn`t heavily fact all of them have this in common..while they assure the world they are the descendants of the Assyrians, god love them...they behave in such despicable ways it takes your breath away...but then most of our activists were raised in those shakey qualkey villages where the priests had the only "schools"...and if you go into any village anywhere you`re not going to find the brightest bulsb..and then, being low class most of their lives, they mixed with low class Muslims and of course in true stereotypical style, based all their judgement of all Muslims from that..when they hardly ever knew the other classes of Muslims... oh well...good going and I appreciate the way you`re taking it easy on coaxes them out so I can bash them over here. --------------------- |
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