The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Re: Jesus As Baby Goat

Re: Jesus As Baby Goat
Posted by Habibi (Guest) - Saturday, August 21 2004, 18:45:01 (CEST)
from USA Educational - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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Just to add to what you said... I think that a lot of truly great people, whether remembered in our tellings of history or not, had a philosophy of love. Human mothers (and most fathers) have loved since the birth of the first infant. I think it is a characteristic of most mammalian mothers, too, if you watch the way they nurse and look after their young. Some animals, like wolves and crows, actually mourn the loss of one of their pack/flock - how could that not be perceived as love? Love is a part of nature. What I wonder is why is it so unusual to find among humans these days....


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