The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Re: Original sources....(To Paul)

Re: Original sources....(To Paul)
Posted by Paul Younan (Guest) - Thursday, August 12 2004, 19:42:11 (CEST)
from Commercial - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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Must you always have the last word?

So it's okay for you to call Christian holy books by all sorts of names because you are trying to portray to Muslims who hold the lives of Christians over there in their hands that we are not all against their religion?

Is that your reasoning? If so, you're more of an idiot than I originally thought. Your dear "Muslim Assyrians" have been killing us regardless of what I say or don't say. They've been doing it for 1,400 years through Jizya Sanctions and through the sword. You think it matters one itsie bit if I sit here and type "peace be upon him", instead of "curses be upon him"? You think it matters at all?

The problem with you is that you're still in a Dhimmi mentality and are afraid of the mere shadow of a fucking Muslim. We're free to speak our minds - this is not fucking Iran where I have to watch what I say.

YOU watch what you say, and YOU recite the fucking creed to save your neck or anyone else's...if YOU think it's that simple and that's all it will take to appease the followers of that bloodthirsty pedophile called Mohammed.

I won't. If you want insults against religions to stop, then start with yourself.



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