The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Re: Palestinians Walled In, And Walled Out

Re: Palestinians Walled In, And Walled Out
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Sunday, July 4 2004, 20:32:53 (CEST)
from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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Palestinians never "attacked anybody...not for 1000 years. It was the Jews who were encourgaed and supplied and made desperate enough by 1500 years of Christian harrassment and muder, culminating in the Grand Jubilee of death they called for called the Holocaust.

Palestinians have been PROTECTING themselves from attack by Israelis, who`ve merely found "settlements" as useful provocations to thenn blame Palestinisns for the violence "they started" when they fought back at losing more of their land..the initial attacks by neighboring Muslims was nothing more than Christians would do if Muslims set up a new "country" in Florida...or America did to Cuba when it simply changed governments to one we didn`t like.

But..let this be a lesson to the boys...even though everyone the world over knows the creation of Israel was a crime and a land grab to begin with...made into a "necessity" by the Christian Holocaust...and all the thefts sine then as well as the well documented abuses of Human and Palestinian Rights which many Israelis themselves have blasted..still...might makes right and in International Law..if you can keep what you matter how many people you kill and label "Terrorists" simply because they fight back and protect their homes and families and livlihoods..even with all of that..the theft becomes the new reality.

That portion of Palestine is now Israel...and it got that way through theft, crime and all countries were born.

take all the boys` sob stories and roll them into one...through all the centuries they claim this and that injustice...and what does it compare to what is happening RIGHT NOW!! And see how much of a real chance there sympathetic the world should be to claims dating back 1300 years when no one cares anbout yesterday`s theft and murder.


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