The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Re: Paul Against The Wall

Re: Paul Against The Wall
Posted by Paul Younan (Guest) - Thursday, September 9 2004, 21:33:30 (CEST)
from Commercial - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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>Now that the little fuck has been exposed as wanting even MORE murder...and using his weepy photos of dead babies to get there...Now that he can`t explain how getting the mother killed as well as the fetus is "moral"..

I've explained it numerous times. Read the post titled "Answer to Parhad".

>he`s stopped with his abortion crusade and from his little bag of horrors has brought out his hatred of Queers...and no doubt it is for "love" or family values, normalcy and that Old Deusenberg of his he wants to run the rst of us over with.

I don't hate Queers, who said I hated Queers? I LOVE Queers.

>He knows I`m going to speak up for Queers..and then he thinks he has the next crusade...that if Queers are to be protected and respected and allowed their rights WHAT ABOUT A FETUS?

Damn, you are good.

>The fact that the two have nothing common will escape him entirely because to Paul the connnecting link through everything is his yahwe..whom the rest of us could care less about.

Of course they aren't related, don't be silly. Queers can never reproduce.

>Homosexual love, like abortions, has been with us since Time began...

As have numerous perversions like pedophilia.

>...ans there is nothing Paul or his church or fucking god have been able to do about it.

Except speak out about how wrong it is. That's the important thing. We will never accept something that is against both God and Nature.

>...All they`ve managed to do is keep it hidden from view where it has festered and rotted and wounded the innocent people who are born that way or CHOOSE to express themselves exclusively and openly in that way.

That's where sicknesses like homosexuality and pedophilia belong.

>This is another instance of Paul wanting to go back to his good old days..days when Queers were persecuted and enied sexuality..

Like today where Pedophilia is persecuted and pedophiles are denied "sexuality".

> women the safe old days when Paul might not feel a flutter when he sees that the woman he though he was admiring from behind turned out to be a pretty man..and for a brief instant a little voice said, "so what"? The good old days when Queers were killed when found out...when his god`s work included hounding people for what he does with his wife all the time.

I don't have anal sex, sorry you're wrong. That's a one-way street.

>Homosexual Love can be as beautiful as Hetero..

It can never produce offspring.

> can be as loyal..

So can pedophilia.

>...clean, sweet and exciting as anything men and women can manage.

Except procreation, of course. Don't forget about the survival of our species.

>...On top of that it is "Natural".

Wow, that's news to me. Have you ever seen two male bears fucking each other in the ass? Two female birds building a nest? Two male monkeys blowing each other?

It's natural, ha?

>...It`s the unnatural Church that called it a is not a sin at all...not if you are clean and healthy minded.

You're such a silly boy. Even for someone who doesn't believe in God, the unnatural act of homosexuality is easily identified as a perversion because it is against nature itself. Not even animals do such a thing.

>...But again, as with abortions, the morality isn`t the issue...

Of course it is. Of what use is shooting your load up an anus?

>...we are a civil society ruled by Law..when being Queer was against the was a crime to be dealt with as such. And then ideas shcanged...people began to see the damage being done to innocent, wonderful people..and we all found Queers in our own families and decided it wasn`t worth butning them at the stake..for we are not so moral as Paulk..who would no doubt turn his daughters in for being Lesbian as well as getting abortions.

I've just redefined your paragraph a little:

We are a civil society ruled by Law..when being a Pedophile was against the was a crime to be dealt with as such. And then ideas changed...people began to see the damage being done to innocent, wonderful people..and we all found Pedophiles in our own families and decided it wasn`t worth burning them at the stake..for we are not so moral as Paul..who would no doubt turn his daughters in for being Pedophiles as well as getting abortions.

You're right - that makes a lot of sense, Farid.

>There is nothing criminal in Homosexual Love any longer..

Sure there is - it's a crime against both God and against Nature.

>...or very little...since consenting adults now have the same right to enjoy sodomy as Paul and his wife do...

Sorry, don't do that. Eeew. Farid, you really pack fudge?

>...I mean let`s stop playing silly moral games...Paul and his wife do EVERYTHING any Gay couple does...

O no we don't, trust me. We don't do THAT.

We also do something a "gay couple" can never do - we create children. Big difference.

> know he`s a Liar and expect him to smash your ideas and show you the video here...he always does that to prove his fervently points of view.

Those kinds of videos are available should you need them Farid.

>Now that Gay Love is legal..and Gay marriages soon to be...there is nothing illegal to being Gay..and once again that didn`t happen because old white men..many of whom are Gay too..went suddenly`s because we no longer want to punush people for what is in their nature..and we don`t care what god says.

Of course you don't. Pedophilia and Bestiality will be next. If pedophiles one day cry out that they were "born that way" and people who like sheep were "born that way", what's next? Necrophilia?

>And this is what drives these born again creeps...we don`t care for their god any longer..we`re breaking his fucking rules left and right..we`re letting women and Queers and Blaxcks and Transvestites out of the closet and chains and fetters the church sought to stick its own huge cock in chains with..and it`s driving them CRAZY! And it`s WONDERFUL.

Very wonderful. Unlike Iraq, which has none of those things, you have abortions and aids and every other abomination here. Nice model. Do the Iraqis know what you are planning for them in their "liberated" future?

>Their last refuge is this Terrorism and Islam as Evil business...for through our fear of what THEY manufacture, they hope we`ll look the other way while they make an end run at that damn Constitution...also written by white men...but WHAT white men...who designed a syetm of government that would one day give freedom and dignity to ALL...who could maintain their OWN..something Paul and his boys are unable to do without first killing and torturing those who displease them..and show them up for what they are.

You are a silly boy, wulla you are.

>note: careful how you answer...but feel free TO answer.

Censoring me already? I've only just arrived? Are you going to ban me next?



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