The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Re: So is "DICK"...

Re: So is "DICK"...
Posted by Habibi (Guest) - Wednesday, July 7 2004, 17:54:31 (CEST)
from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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Viv, darling,
I voted Nader in the last election, but I'm thinking about voting Dem for once just because the Democrats are a bit better than the Republicans when it comes down to the environment, health care, social issues, etc.

You know, once when I heard Nader speak, he mentioned that the U.S. should have some form of ballot where voters can choose 1st, 2nd, & 3rd favorites for elected officials and that these votes would be weighted according to preference and also have the option of voting to have someone removed from the ballot.... I believe that's what he said. Anyway, making things more democratically statistically sound would make things more honest, wouldn't it? And the whores in power wouldn't want anything honest to keep them from getting that little bit more cash in their wallets....

Again, I adore Nader - he's such a wonderful role model and revolutionary. But I hate Bush & Cheney more....

Last election, my friends and I were tempted to go around town altering peoples' pro-Bush and Cheney signs to say "Lick Bush and Dick." All it would have taken is a can of spray paint, a couple of ski-masks, a get-away car, and a dark night for cover.... And I'm sure the local Republicans would have been outraged to read such immoral sentiments on their signs.... : )


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