The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Re: So is "DICK"...

Re: So is "DICK"...
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Wednesday, July 7 2004, 15:46:59 (CEST)
from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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It isn`t just the chads hanging isn`t even the electronic voting machines that can`t or won`t give a paper`s what those people on the ballot had to do in order to GET there in the first place that disqualifies all of them as "representatives" of the people who voted for them..they are not...and the "vote" is merely a meaningless formality..for ONE of them will win whether you stay home or vote, and that one...on whatever side he or she is, is bought and paid for, not by you, who`ll merely pay their pittance of a salary, but by the Corps who gave millions and who`ll reward their boy or girl in a hundred ways once it`s safe to do so.

It isn`t an`s a foregone conclusion in which you get to fool yourself for a moment.


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