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=> Re: Tevye In Iraq

Re: Tevye In Iraq
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Monday, July 5 2004, 6:23:32 (CEST)
from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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do you mean he tried to improve Bush`s time for the election? I haven`t seen it yet but from what I hear..especially the ylps coming from Christian Extremists is that it`s UNFAIR...which means he shows Bush fairly..which anyone who supports Bush would of course see as unfair...

I`ll have to wait till I see it..but in the absense of anything else that even comes close..I`d say Moore did the MidEast more of a faver than not...I realize he wasn`t trying to...he never would have gotten funding from Miramax if there was even a hint of slanting the thing at all..instead he just let the cameras role or caught Bush in a truer light then we`ll ever see him anywhere else.

I`ll have to see it first...I`m just glad SOMEONE did something.


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