The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Re: Tevye In Iraq

Re: Tevye In Iraq
Posted by Tony BeitMalo (Guest) - Monday, July 5 2004, 5:27:03 (CEST)
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Couple points:

I don’t understand what was the reason Michael Moore spent so much time on U.S. casualties/families but as always, when it came to Iraqi casualties he barely touched it? I certainly can say that Michael Moore could have personalized Iraqis casualties and Iraqi families to American families but it seemed his finger was on auto focus (what people wanted to hear/see).

Second, I sensed anti-Arab and Arab-bashing through out the first part of the Movie. The question that kept haunting me is “why”? On several scenes, he placed house of Bn-Saud with house of Bn-Ladin on the same sentence. Another auto focus (what people wanted to hear and see).

All in all, I think this movie had a lot to do with Election 2004 and nothing else.


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