The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Re: The Crawford Wives!

Re: The Crawford Wives!
Posted by Habibi (Guest) - Wednesday, August 25 2004, 3:09:51 (CEST)
from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title:

OK, so I know one of the captions says "Welcome to a perfect world..." and the camera flashes an aerial view of a subdivision at us....

Whose idea of "perfect" is a subdivision? I thought the music was making me nauseous - sounding like that crap they play in the grocery stores - but the picture of the subdivisions almost made me puke! Ugh!

I want a goddamn energy efficient house in the woods on a mountain cliff somewhere with no lawn (low maintenance), a small stream nearby, and a pretty view. And that's the most "domestic" urge I've ever had. THAT'S perfect.


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