The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Re: eloquence in action!

Re: eloquence in action!
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Saturday, June 19 2004, 19:32:50 (CEST)
from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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...well, they didn`t go for his mother yet...though they called him pathetic and said his point was garbage...and they should`s Aprim, the undisputed long as they keep him out of the ring.

"This explanation is pathetic. If we are the same, why then all this fuss of the kurds about separation and special rights for kurds and kurds must have this and that.

...The American Colonist`s were Europeans...yet they wanted a separate government that would recognize the reality of their new lives. Kurds have been fighting..not talking, for their independence from the "Mother Religion" and culture for a long long time. There was a Civil War in America, fought by brother againts brother...they were all Christians..they were of one country...they were from one common source,...yet they went to war against each other over principles and economic lifestyles..these things happen between brothers all the time..if anything it PROOOOES that we`re all the same!

Why not accept Arabizing kurdish villages?

..this Arabizing thing is your bullshit. America,,,,every country tries to "Arabize" the people who come live there..or are born`s nothing more than forging a common identity as citizens of ONE can have all the differences in the world you want over personal quirks..but you must ALL support the Nation..ask Ashcroft.

Why not live in peace in Iraq and accept being as Arabs since we are all the same as you claim.

...Arabs are in Arabia...Iraqis live in Iraq..and Kurds are Iraqis by nationality as are you Christians. But, the Kurds happen to be Muslim as that makes them closer to the boys are a minority and a chickenshit one at will get nothing by complaining...neither will you get anything by having other Christians go do your killing and stealing for you..they`re doing it for themselves.

...Kurds want their ethnic identity as Kurds mainatained separate..and they won`t get their way ultimately either...they can`t...not if there is to be one country. The United States will merely use them as a foil against the Extremists...the point is to keep the country fractured...and you want to be one of those cracks..but you can`t take care of yourselves...and the United States isn`t ready to commit to you forever to bail you out whenever you need it..and you`ll need it plenty. They also won`t support you militarily, with your own militia because agqain they`ll have to hear about how you`re getting your asses kicked all over the place and need rescue..whereas the Kurds have no one to cry to.

Well, Arabs is another name for kurds, according to your logic!

..and to yours Christian is another name for Assyrian..pretty silly no? You also call Iraqis, Arabs. What can`t you get right? Or, what CAN you get right?

If we are all the same, why fight the Turks for decades and why not accept that you kurds are Turks (yet another name for kurds according to your logic again), and live in peace in Turkey.

...America fought and killed Americans..yet they were one. In Europe the countries fought and killed each other for centuries..yet they were one. That`s the point this fellow is trying to make and the rest of us are too..that we are ALL one people divided by our stupidity..and in your case the divide is HUGE!

I hope that you were joking with this garbage because I can imagine what would happen in north of Iraq (occupied Assyria) if you kurds gained independence.

...what happened during Sanctions? Will the Kurds announce an acceptable policy of starving children to death? When has anyone in BetNahrain done that? In fact, who besides Christian Germans EVER did such things? And now the Christian Americans? They allowed you seats they didn`t have to in THEIR parliament..they gave you land for schools they didn`t have to..they paid you money they didn`t have to...and they don`t have to do anything for you...especiallly not when you`re begging the Americans to remain.

I can imagine what would happen if you ruled over that land officially and over the Assyrians, Turkomans, and Arabs living there as we have experienced in the last 150 years in general and the last 50 years in specific.
God help us all.

...would it be any worse, or even close to what the Americans have done and are doing to Iraq? Did Saddam do any of this? Was there medicine available for sick children or wasn`t there? Was there the lowest infant mortality rate in the MidEast or wasn`t there? Did it not shoot up out of all proportion to anything once America started Sanctions or didn`t it? Did the water treatment and sewage treatment plants work or didn`t they? Did they have some of the best schools and universities in the world or didn`t they? Did they have billions in reserves or didn`t they? Were people`s homes secure or weren`t they? Did Christians operate liquor stores in peace or didn`t they? Were Christian women allowed to dress as they pleased or weren`t they? Did Majdolin look forward to and fully expect to be able to raise her Christian in peace and see their faces grow and change or didn`t she? haven`t a single proove that you`re Assyrian..none. People speak Aramaic because it`s the language of the Jewish knock-off religion you follow..and the Jews spoke it too. Latin was the language of the Christian world for centuries..they spoke it in church in England and Spain and Germany..that did NOT make those people Romans! If you were transported back in time, no Assyrian would understand a word you you all have Arabic and Persian and Turkish and Kurdish and English and French words mixed into your "dialects". Yet you still demand prooves of Chaldeans and everyone else when you have none to offer yourselves.

And the WAY you behave about proooves beyond a shadow of a doubt that you ain`t Assyrian nohow, noway.



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