Re: Where's Warrior Empress? |
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- Thursday, July 8 2004, 17:50:25 (CEST) from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
I think Warrior Empress misses herself too. How often, in our culture especially, a talented young woman has had little to no scope for her abilities because she would offend her parents and all the old farts who stand behind them if she lived true to she suppresses what can`t be denied, only thwarted and perverted...and yet the rebellion has to take place either they eat themselves into a frenzy or marry some shmuck and make everybody miserable, including their children and the cycle goes on. The next best way to getting back at your parents and the hold they have over you all your to coming probably to marry a Muslim...and the less enlightened the better. We`ve all done it, not marry a Muslim but sublimate our anger...a rebel is never free...just strains and punches and tugs at and chews his or her own leg to the bone to get away from the rope that ties them to the stake still...a revoluntionary cuts the rope and dances away in the least if he or she is hurt, it`s by someone else...not themselves. --------------------- |
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