The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Re: keep them TALIKNG!!!

Re: keep them TALIKNG!!!
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Monday, June 28 2004, 0:10:24 (CEST)
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another honest liar...

Written by Atra on 27 Jun 2004 21:01:34:

As an answer to: Re:Figment of their imagination written by Tiglath on 27 Jun 2004 08:24:12:

I for one I'm not against you but I feel sorry for the path of thinking that you have taken I have always thought that you weren't some one who would be swayed away from what is right and true.What a pity.

...get off boys still can`t address the issues, you`re either pissing venom or pissing tears..stop wetting yourselves and the rest of us..stick to the POINT!

All that you're doing is that you're walking with a blind fold on your eyes and you think if you do that you will be able to prove a point which doesn't exist.

...very colorful..and more urine...stick to the POINT!

You better take your own advice and stay focused on helping your people to pass this critical time which is targetting whatever existence they have in their own homeland.If you're so worried about your integrity then you should think where did you lose it ?

...he found never had any. I can be cute too..stick to the point. No one is TARGETING you. If Kurds can seize the land and keep it then they`re acting in the time-honored traditions of their ancestors the Assyrians who also TOOK land belonging to others...

You are trying hard to pass on and sell the kurdish propaganda that they are doing good by our people back home while the truth is any thing but that.

...go cry to Kanna. We`re saying we are one people divided by our stupidity.

I hope you wake up of this delusional state soon enough and focus your attention,efforts,and integrity on helping the Assyrian Cause. one around here wakes boys have been telling people to wake up since I can remember..stick to the one asked you for a wake up call..especially not you. What we`re saying is that whoever takes and holds the land obviously has a "right" to it..ask the Americans who stole the land you`re living on..if you`re in America..or the Romans who stole the lands of Europe and forced Christ down everyone`s throat.

...To wish death and destruction on all those people...just because you`re pissed you can`t accomplish anything but the Ten Thousand Year Dash is a poor excuse for being "wide awake".


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