Re: of fatheads and Roberts |
Posted by
- Monday, June 21 2004, 18:45:46 (CEST) from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
...the idea that all Muslims in Iraq today came from Arabia originally is one of those dear and desperate ideas they boys must cling to. The altetnative is to accept the obvious..that Assyrians converted to Islam..which you wouldn`t think would be so difficult to swallow since they converted to Christianity as well. What these Christians are trying to say is that REAL Assyrians would ONLY have converted to Christianity..which makes a lot of sense since people tend to be real when they stick to their traditions...anyway...we all know of recent conversions from Christianity to why is it so far fetched that way back when other Christians also converted to Islam? But you won`t find this history or much sense in "their" history books. All their history books will tell you are all the reasons Assyrians would NEVER become Muslim...when we know damn well they have..both in the past century and starting from the first one of the Muslim Conquest. This is the only way they can maintain that Muslim Iraqis are Arabs from Arabia and therefore uslurpers who took the land from the indigenous CHRISTIANS...whose religion is as foreign to BetNahrain as Islam was. get over happened. --------------------- |
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