Re: on speaking out |
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- Friday, August 13 2004, 5:41:49 (CEST) from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
Paul Younan wrote: >No one has killed more Christian Assyrians than the Muslim through 1,400 years of Jizya Sanctions and sword. ..still meaningless. Iraqis did nothing to deserve this...if it's okay for them to be innocent and suffer, then any Christian anywhere can be made to pay for what the Crusaders did and are doing now. way around it..your religion has once again gone to the MidEast to kill and rob...and again they have invoked the name of your Jew god and ask his blessings...this will make all Christians hateful in the eyes of Muslim extremists...Christians can't bring war to Muslims AND Christians and expect the Christians of Iraq to esacpe has happened every time..and now you will manage to get more of you kicked out...and you will run and run from the effects of what your Christian "Saviors" are bringing you when no Muslim in Iraq did a THING to you...and it's best, really. You don't deserve to be in BetNahrain. > >Nice try. worked > >-Paul --------------------- |
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