Re: pro-life vs pro-choice...battle or words. |
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- Friday, September 17 2004, 4:04:56 (CEST) from - - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
Nobody wrote: >"Let`s try the fetus it a FULLY developed human..." > >No lets try call it a human, but you refuse to give it a personality. ..I just called it BOB...what personality do you want me to give BOB? How do I know what his personality you? As soon as I agree with you that it`s come back and yell at me for not knowing its PERSONALITY..I said, I don`t care what it is..or who it is or how nice it is...I don`t CARE! I is HUMAN and it is MURDER, OKAY???...and the same is true of the woman..she is HUMAN and to allow her to go under the hanger of a quack is also MURDER...or gross either case she dies..and then you have TWO personalities killed...instead of ONE. You probably call embryonic stem cell research a potential human with no personality. ..I don`t call it anything..I don`t CARE..stem cells can be as jolly and likeable as you are..I don`t CARE..I care for having LESS murder..and that means saving the one that CAN be saved..the mother. We used to call slaves humans with no personality and in some Muslim culture today regard women human with no personalities. one aborts them..I don`t get the point. Don't you get it? All of this bullshit...don't you see how we cheapened life. What's wrong with you? ..sure I see how it`s cheapened..but abortions aren`t new and there are LOTS of other ways we cheapen life..including this thinly veiled attempt to inflict maximum suffering on women who DARE displease YOU and YOUR god!...Abortions have been with us forever and will continue..whether you have your way or not...No one is INVENTING abortion now and THEN wanting to legalize`s been with us for thousands of years..we`re just trying to minimize the death that comes as a result of making it legal and safe..we cut down on the number of deaths DUE to abortions...which happen anyway..we SAVE the woman`s life at least...don`t you like a woman`s personality? How come she has to lose hers AND Bob`s? boys all do this..there are ten or more issues raised and you pick one and get it wrong in the end anyway, but at least you said SOMETHING..we see you. --------------------- |
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