The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Re: tap dancing in Assyria

Re: tap dancing in Assyria
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Monday, July 5 2004, 12:15:25 (CEST)
from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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Written by Atra on 05 Jul 2004 06:06:26:

As an answer to: Question 4. The Assyrian Triangle written by Tiglath on 04 Jul 2004 17:10:08:

The Assyrian Triangle will be domocratic if and only if those who work to keep it would be free of any foreign denomination,occupiers and any one who works with foreigners.

...then how can Iraq become democratic when it`s entire government is made of and made by foreigners?

The Assyrian minds that should lead it should be purely Assyrian minds working for Assyria and not brain washed with ideas which can do nothing except hurt the Assyrians further more.

..."pure" Assyrian minds? You mean like you all worship a PURE Assyrian god? Seems to be your minds will be as Israeli as your religion is...and they have a democracy too... are nowhere Assyrian. You are a Christian sect of a neo-Jewish religion that had nothing to do with or offer that stole its best parts from us to begin with and mangled them beyond recognition. If you change gods away from Jesus you`d hardly call yourselves Christians any longer and would look foolish if you insisted that made you MORE Christian. You left look silly insisting you are PURE Assyrians.


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