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=> Re: to make abortions illegal...

Re: to make abortions illegal...
Posted by Nobody (Guest) - Tuesday, September 21 2004, 8:01:01 (CEST)
from - Network - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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Tony wrote:
>What is "Late Term Abortion"?

It's a pretty easy procedure. It take a lot out energy out of the doctor and tears the woman up inside. First, Dr. Death would stick his hands into the vagina cavity and get to the full human grown baby. Remind you at this stage the baby can survive outside the mother’s womb on its own. Anyway, the "DR." continues to get a hold of the baby and turn it upside. Then he would pull the baby outside the vagina while still alive and would stop when the baby’s body is outside of the womb and the head is still inside. According to the law the head must stay inside the vagina for this procedure to be legal. The "DR." then would a large needle if you will attached to a vacuum pierce the babies head and suck out the brains. Nurses who suffered from trauma after witnessing this procedure would see the baby squirms feeling the pain as the needles pierced each side of the temple of the baby. After sucking out of the brain, the "DR." would crush the skull and yank out the baby out of the womb entirely. So this how you do a partial birth big deal right? Any questions


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