The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Re: understanding fuckya...

Re: understanding fuckya...
Posted by Dubya (Guest) - Thursday, September 30 2004, 20:10:44 (CEST)
from - Network - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title:

Aunty Christ wrote:
>Dubya wrote:
>>keep on contrdicting yourself dopshit. There are a few people in here who can sse through don't got everyone in here in your pants although jifflube is your favorite now beat it!
>...I love his "beat it". What does it matter to me who sees through me or likes or hates me? What do you think I am...Hanna? Show us all where I contraict myself...if you can. If I cared I`d ban you...I am an asshole unto myself..your`s is for hire.

you are an asshole unto yourself, but your a whole ass to me...


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