The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Re: what a civilized question will get you...

Re: what a civilized question will get you...
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Wednesday, June 23 2004, 3:29:05 (CEST)
from Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title:

if someone had asked you four years ago when George was looking shtrong..if he or Saddam would do such a thing...?

What muurder big enough would we devise for a Saddam who stripped American "detainees"..that means ANYONE...and confronted them with dogs...and that`s just the tip of the prick...what wouldn`t we justify being done to such people..yet if they fight back..we call THEM Terrosists...and why? Because they`re Muslim..that`s we called all Jews evil moneygrubbing, hok-nosed, low-lifes who ALL killed Jesus, when the fucking Romans who went on to make a bisness of his corpse killed him for real...we haven`t changed a bit...we killed plenty of Jews...burped, stuck the few we missed in a ghetto where they could be killed for us..and now we`re after Islam.


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