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=> Saddam Tells It Like It Is...

Saddam Tells It Like It Is...
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Thursday, July 1 2004, 19:17:37 (CEST)
from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title:

Defiant Saddam Rejects War Crimes Charges
(AP) - A defiant Saddam Hussein rejected charges of war crimes and genocide against him in a court appearance Thursday, telling a judge "this is all theater, the real criminal is Bush," according to a reporter in an official media pool. Saddam's hands were cuffed when he was brought to the court but the shackles were removed for the 30-minute arraignment at Camp Victory, a former Saddam palace on the outskirts of Baghdad.

..he got THAT right! Who did Iraq atack? Kuwait? Okay, so what? what? You want to take the United States to court for its own illegal wars and police actions?

...what business is it of the United States if Saddam has wars? What business was it of the rest of the world`s when America inisted on going to war..going alone...going based on lies? Who will try the United States when they know enough to exempt themselves from the international court?

Saddam`s crimes be on his head..somebody put all of Bush`s on his and see who sinks faster.


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