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- Wednesday, June 30 2004, 21:27:04 (CEST) from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
ank you HANNA!!! It took you awhile but I`ve been sitting here, perched on a rock looking out over the wasteland you boys have made of this Heritage, like a good and patient Buzzard just waiting for YOUR corpse to appear….CHOW TIME!!! Written by Hanna Hajjar on 30 Jun 2004 19:06:47: Tiglath is trying to make up a ficticious story of 3 Italians, but the problem is that his example does not apply to Assyrians or to the situation in Iraq. …Of course it`s fictitious…were you thinking the rest of the boys..after listening to a non-stop repetition of your fictions, thought it was real too? 1. Those who call themselves Italians recognize that they are Romans. …No they don`t. That`s absurd. The people of Rome are BORN in Rome, the city. All Italians consider themselves Italians…and even that`s only recently. Italy has been held by lots of people…just like BetNahrain was…yet today they call themselves is their NATION and identity..a far cry from 2000 years ago. 2. Those who call themselves Romans are not discriminated against by those who call themselves Italians. ..there you go make your own ditzy statement, you’re your own friggin dictionary..accept no challenges...and run with it as if it were established fact. Does it say in your definition, under “Italians”…one who is born in Rome? Who has “Roman” on their Italian passports? Who has Roman on their birth me ONE DOCUMENT that lists under nationality…”Roman” for anyone born in Sicily? Go ahead. ..This “fiction” ids entirely in YOUR head and of your making…just like the one that says you are Assyrian…and you think that by posting it people might forget the perfectly clear logic in Tiglath`s point where he was presenting as a FOOL someone who claimed to be Roman…which YOU are accepting as if it was a FACT. Too much tattoo ink I think. 3. Latin the language of the Italians is recognized in Italy. …But speaking it did NOT make slaves in the empire “Roman” didn`t make the Irish “Latin” because it was the language of the Roman Church. Just because you speakl French does NOT make you French..even if it`s taught to you at an early age..a language does NOT make you Assyrian..especially not when you boys claim believing in a Jew god DOES make you Assyrian. …Also, Latin is no longer recognized as the language of Ital…Italian is. If you choose to only speak Latin, even in Rome, no one is going to understand you…like if you speak Assyrian in Iraq…the same people, who now speak a different language will not recognize the language of their ancestors…not to understand anyway..they`ll respect it for its historical value. 4. There is a small Vatican independent enclave. …it is in the CITY of Rome and none of it`s inhabitants think of themselves as anything BUT Italians..when it comes to nationality especially. But it`s good you mentioned..that enclave is a Christian enclave in a Christian country..big deal. You won`t see a Christian enclave in Muslim lands..are you nuts? 5. All Italians are treated as equals under the law, and anyone who identifies himself as a Roman can be elected as president of Italy. …Not if they claim that as their nationality..not if they erase “Italy” as place of birth and replace it with “Roman Empire” or “Rome”. If they erase Italy as place of birth they just got rid of their right to Italian nationality including even BEING in the country. If they run around the streets saying they are Roman, in the sense you mean “Assyrian”..they`ll get locked up. Now let's compare that to Assyrians: …sure..what`s to stop you from comparing apples to oranges when you can ban people for arguing with you and easily proving you wrong, giving you a headache and thereby convincing you they MUST be enemies of the Assyrian EMPIRE! 1. Those who call themselves Kurds, and Arbas do not recognize the Assyrians. …People who do not recognize the Italians have no impact on whether Italians exist. No one but you turkeys recognizes a Christian SECT as the sole and pure descendants of the ancient think other people hate you just because they won`t play along with this silly game YOUR Mullahs started? 2. Those who call themselves Assyrians are discriminated against by those who call themselves Kurds and Arabs. …Brother hates Brother…You hate me and I hate you right what? 3. Syriac/Assyrian the language of the Assyrians is not recognized in Iraq. …Of course it is…it is recognized and taught and allowed free rein..what isn`t allowed is teaching sedition, in ANY ANY country. 4. There is no independent Assyrian Triangle enclave given to the Assyrians and run by Assyrians. …There isn`t any independent anything given to anybody to run anywhere. If you can SEIZE land and hold onto it, it`s yours. Ask Britain and America how they “settled” their lands and whose they were before and what autonomous shit they ever gave them. 5. Not all Iraqis are treated as equals under the law, and anyone who identifies himself as a Assyrian can't be elected as president of Iraq. There is a ceiling above which an Assyrian can't jump higher. …Not true at all. Tariq Azziz made it to the top…Dr Donny George did too…and why do you make this a criterion when you people call all Christians who succeed in Iraq TRAITORS and curse their mothers? No Christian making the claims you do will get anywhere in Iraq..of course not..are you daft? You are only recognized by YOURSEVES as “Assyrians”. Iraqis know Assyria was only one part of a glorious Heritage they embrace and respect and revere fully. They just aren`t so stupid as to buy your claims to OUR lands for your Christians sects… The Assyrians are in a situation more like the Serbs and the Bosnians. they might be ethnically the same, but they are religiously different, and when either side does not recognize the other, then two seperate entities are needed to give each side their full right. and hence a Serbia and a Bosnia (where in this case the Assyrians are compared to the Bosnian minority). …no way Jack. You`ll recall what the region gave birth to…Balkanization…division of the SAME people along stupidity lines. Those days are over. We`re hardly going to divide the United States along religious and ethnic rights and hope to have peace and prosperity and advancement. Are you nuts? The main flaw in Tiglath's theory is that the other side does not recognize their Assyrian identity, in fact they trace theri roots outside Mesopotamia, those who call themselves Arabs they trace their roots to Saudi Arabia, and those who call themselves Kurds they trace it to the Medes in Persia. They can't have their cake and eat it too. If they are Assyrians like us, then they can't claim that they are Medes and Arabs. …You all want your children to be as Americanized as you can make have NEVER done a thing in America that is Assyrian. Your children will one day identify totally with Paul Bunyon and George did the Irish and Italian and African people who moved here long after those days…but they have a distant heritage from the countries they came from…likewise in Iraq…recent Arab arrivals will in time and the passing of generations come to respect their common ancestor Ashurbanipal AND Haroun al Rashid..who was “Iraqi” long before they moved to Iraq. Something you can`t do..or refuse to do. The rich tapestry that is Iraq for the last 6000 years you want to tear to shreds..just so you can get a raggedy end..and no one will allow you to do it. …Besides which this is the usual attempt to paint all Muslims in Iraq as Arabs because their religion is from Arabia…when they converted from you did to Christ…a Jew with a Jew religion so that by your logic any Christian in Iraq is a Jew from Israel…it gets boring…no? And silly too…yes? If they are sincerely Assyrians as David Chibo (Tiglath) claims, then the least thing that every Iraqi would identify himself as Assyrian, and visa versa. But we all know that this is not the case. …Not at all. They are sincere where it counts. On the Iraqi web page there was always the image of a cross, as well as Assyrian and other symbols. The problem with you Christians is that you stopped living and refused to participate when Islam came to BetNahrain…and you held out the longest in those same villages you insult us all with by claiming our ancestors ran in fear to hide in till a Jew gave them courage. Is that sincere and honest? Is it even true? Muslim Iraqis have the glorious Age of Islam when they had the grandest city of them all, right there in Baghdad, above Babylon…and we all know the desert Arabs on their own could never have built the Alhambra or the Grand Mosque at Cordoba…and neither did Assyrians merely act as scribes and translators, as you continue to insult our people..but raher they became generals and statesmen and Caliphs and artists and doctors and architects and took all the treasures the Assyrians developed in BetNahrain all the way around the world under the banner of Islam to the New World and Europe..while you ran barefoot to China and built a brick. They have FAR MORE to be proud of than JUST the Assyrian phase, while you have NOTHING to be proud of as you even disdain that past by heaping Jew insults on us… and certainly not during the span of the Golden Age of Islam when you were in your villages..and not even today when your tattoo needle is all we have to go by. Additionally, if according to Tiglath; Kurd = Assyrian, and Arab = Assyrian wouldn't that make Kurd = Arab? And if you look at the situation in Iraq, the Arabs and Kurds don't even equate that! …You are assholes on ALL sides…we know that. Peace only comes when like-minded people on ALL sides get past you idiots on ALL sides. That`s what we`re trying to do..sidestep you murderous extremist bastards and find COMMON GROUND with mutual respect..and since YOU are the minority, it would do you well to stop blustering and threatening to ruin it for everybody if they don`t give YOU your way..when it is YOUR religion that has brought them to this point. They are under no obligation to recognize your claims and you have never presented a shred of evidence besides this fucking religion, that you are “Assyrians”. Your word for it just won`t do..anywhere but in your own thingies where you might as well claim the moon too. Tiglath is accepting that he is the weakest link and wants to hang on to anuything, and change his color to match them like a chamellion. I with all due respect, prefer to remain who I am, …a shithead? You prefer that? and the other side (Arabs and Kurds) can either accept me as an Assyrian ethnically, treat me as equal, ..they don`t take orders from you. They do NOT see you as an ethnicity. You are merely a religious sect and a minority at that…..they don`t buy any of your proooves. As long as you want to pray in your churches and not teach sedition, they have no problem with you…but you can imagine how you`d feel if a Naraganset Native showed up asking for his triangle back, the one your house sits on, the land stolen from the indigenous people of America…shit happens..ask Aprim. and I don't mind if they call themselves Assyrians or not. I Don't want to change their identity, but with the same token I don't want them to change my identity either. ..They wouldn`t dream of calling themselves Assyrians. How could they prove it? They simply say the Assyrian Heritage is their heritage as well..that`s all. No Italian is going to call himself a Roman either…as no Americam born in Manhattan is going to call himself Dutch…or call New York, New Amsterdam. Don`t be silly…or is that the only option left to you? And if we can reach a level of mutual recognition and mutual respect, where every body is 100% treated as equal (and that includes removing all religious and ethnic barriers in givernemental official posts (i.e. any Iraqi irrespective of his religion, ethnicity color, gender can run for any political office) then we can say that there is equality. …It was already that way under Saddam…Azziz and George, remember? But no one is going to treat you as an “Assyrian”…which you take to mean giving you land to run..are you crazy? In the last Iraq, in this one, and in every one to come, you will get the same rights any other Iraqi can expect and be placed under the same obligations…NO Iraqi can step forward and ask for any autonomous anything…period! It doesn`t matter how entitled to it YOU think you are…the nation does not agree with you and the nation is a demcocary…come back and ask when America returns Florida to the Seminole Natives…as per the treaty it signed with them a mere 150 years ago promising to do just that. …The Christians who succeed and do just fine in Iraq are those who know they are Iraqi and not Roman OR “Assyrian”. It is ridiculous of you to step outside of church and make that statement anywhere you will see the more you do it..go ahead..I hope you boys spread this message of yours to the entire world..I hope it gets on everyone`s tongue from Mozambique to British Columbia…because it will be that much easier to get rid of you all when your children see the entire planet laughing themselves silly over your idiotic claims and prooooves. Democracy is the vote of the majority, if the majority decide to have an Assyrian Christian, or any one else as a president of Iraq, then it should be allowed, and not restricted to a certain ethnicity or religious sect. Because by restricting that to the religious sect and ethnicity of the majority before election, would be like putting the cart before the horse. …An ass in your case. Iraq is a majority MUSLIM nation…as America was a majority PROTESTANT nation and everyone was shocked when a CATHOLIC, not a Muslim, but simpley another sort of Christian was elected president. The United States had and still has all sorts of barriers in politics..they just keep shifting. …And you`ve made it that much harder for Christians to live, let alone become president of Iraq…by applauding every depredation and crime and asking for more of the same that your co-religionists brought to MY innocent people…I can forgive anyone betraying Ashur for another god, so can he because he knows the awful price they`ll pay… IF they`ll work for the country as a whole today and the country isn`t Assyria any longer, which is fine by is now Iraq and it is Betnahrain always, in its soul…and no Iraqi denies that. If Tiglath's claim is right, then according to him all Iraqis are Assyrias. To me anyone is welcome to identify himself as an Assyrian (as a secular ethnic identity, not as a religious one), I don't force any identity on anyone, and I don't want Assyrians to be Arabized or Kurdified. …There are no distinguishing characteristics that anyone BUT you recognize that justifies someone claiming to be of a nation that stopped being a nation over two millennia ago. It`s a quaint fantasy and no one`s argued too mush because you kept it to yourselves..but now you come actually claming the land of other people based on this ditzy idea. That has to be dealt with seriously, even though it`s as foolish a bit of nonsense as anyone ever heard. ..I created the first Assyrian Monument anywhere in 2500 years and I don`t see myself as Assyrian by NATIONALITY. I embrace my Assyrian, Babylonian, Chaldean, Hurrian, Amorite AND Muslim past…I find signs of BetNahrain all over Muslim Iraq and it poses no problem for me because I am NOT Christian seeking to win one for Christ..just to prove a point. …You people have made yourselves even more odious to the rest of the people in the MidEast than you ever were..YOU`VE MADE IT THAT MUCH HARDER FOR Muslims there to treat you as equals let alone GUARANTEE your sorry asses. Every time you make it worse for your own people, you come around crying that you`re being picked on , “for no reason”. How Israeli can you get? Hanna Hajjar --------------------- |
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