Posted by
- Saturday, June 12 2004, 23:42:02 (CEST) from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
The ball games must be over..the boys are back whining for Assria...tis post by Hannabanana shows a bit of hysteria creeping in...they`re all getting a litle frayed around the edges as all the assinine "hopes" they never had grounds for except ehri equally ditzy "faith" are collapsing around now they`ve just discovered that "Assyrians are dying in Baghdad". Hello? They of course mean Christians...that`s ALL they mean..that`s all their "Assyrian" twaddle is...a front for their Christian twaddle..the boys are all twaddle all the time. This is more of what the Christians back there love to hear..that a Christian militia...Muslims don`t consider the Christians the only Assyrians..just the only cowardly ones on being pushed from America...byt the same boys who diasporad all over themselves while the majority of Christians and ALL Assyrian stayed put. I`ve got some work to finish up so I`ll slap Hannabanana, a good example of the kind of heroes the boys produce...later. Assyrians Killed in Baghdad Posted By: Hanna Hajjar ( Date: Friday, 11 June 2004, at 7:38 p.m. In Response To: Assyrians Killed in Baghdad (Ashor Giwargis) The story in the ZAWAA press release is another reason why Assyriuans should ask for an independent Assyrian Triangle. People tend to say we are not strong we can't defend our homeland. My answer is: 1. Every incident where our people were massacred was when our people are unarmed! The Assyrian genocide of 1915 was carried against unarmed Assyrian, the Assyrian massacre of Simele was carried against unarmed Assyrians. If our people were armed, those who carried such atrocities would not have dared to approach. History shows us that when Assyrian got armed at the last stages of the WWI to defend themselves they were able to hold their grounds against attacker many times their size, and force them back. The only way for our people to defend themselves is to have a deterrent force, because once the attacker realizes that he is going to suffer casualties too, he will think twice before attacking. 2. People might argue that we have no population numbers, but remember that the quality of one Assyrian warrior surpasses the quality of others. Assyrians are warriors by nature, all we have to do is to tap into that power and use it. Further more when an Assyrian fights he will be fighting for his survival, and for his homeland, and that will magnify his potential many times. 3. Some people are afraid that there will be retaliations. Sure there will be retaliations, but let’s not forget that the retaliation has been going on for thousands of years, and even if Assyrians are minding their own business and doing nothing, they have been constantly and systematically massacred and ethnically cleansed. Assyrians are getting killed anyways, what we need to do, is to place our Christian believes of "turning the other cheek" on the shelf, and go back to our ancient Assyrian code of "an eye for an eye" which is the norm in the Middle East. 4. Some might argue that we can't raise an army and can’t afford high casualties; the answer is that we are being drafted anyways, and we are already suffering high casualties, in wars all over the Middle East, drafted and forced to fight for some tyrant’s adventure who doesn’t give a damn about Assyrians. Just a simple math of calculating our casualties in the past wars in the Middle East will prove to you that we can easily raise an army with good numbers. Take the Iraq-Iran war for example: if you add up the draftee Assyrian casualties (Nestorian + Jacobites + Chaldeans) in the Iraqi army, that will add up to at least 250,000 casualties, add to that those Assyrian that survived, you will have an army of a respectable number, whose size could easily defend the Assyrian Triangle. Especially when those soldiers realize that they are defending their own families, and their own homeland. If we had a time machine to go back in time and ask each and every one of those Assyrian draftees that lost their lives for a war that they had no interest in nor profit from, (in Arabic they have an expression for that which goes like this: Laysa lahom la naqa wala jamal!) the following question: If you have a choice, would you like to fight and die in shame for someone else's adventures? Or fight and live in dignity for your own nation's cause, and a better future for your family? What do you think would their answers have been? You see, even though that those Assyrians died defending Iraq, yet they are not honored by Iraqi Arabs and Kurds, instead they are looked down upon, and Assyrians are still treated like 5th class citizens. If those Assyrian soldiers had fallen defending Assyria, then even if they might have lost their lives, their Assyrian nation would have honor them and taken care of their families, and their memory would have been kept alive by their Assyrian nation. I believe that Assyrians need a military force, and even a small military force in the rugged mountains of Assyria could do miracles. Let me close by saying that I am against all kinds of violence that is happening in Iraq, and I hope that peace and tranquility returns to this country. But in the case of Assyrians we are the victims, and we had suffered for too long, and enough is enough! And since there is no one to protect the Assyrians, then it is full right of every Assyrian to carry arms and defend his nation. It is an issue of SURVIVAL, and SELF DEFENCE! Finally, when a doctor diagnoses a patient he looks at his symptoms and evaluates them, then he advises the remedy. Now if we look at the symptoms of Assyrians, we realize that for the past 2600 years Assyrians have been facing systematic massacres, irrespective of who ruled over them, and the only time when there were no Assyrians being massacred was prior to 612 B.C. when Assyria was an independent state. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize that our problem is the result of foreign occupation, and the only remedy to it is by Assyrian independence! So no matter what Iraqi government comes and goes, and/or handing the control of north Iraq to the Kurds, the end result in the future will not change, it will still be the same old story of massacres and ethnic cleansing against Assyrians, the only times it will change is when an independent Assyrian Triangle is established. Hanna Hajjar --------------------- |
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