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=> T.E Lawrence

T.E Lawrence
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Monday, June 28 2004, 1:52:08 (CEST)
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...I`d recommend Lawrence`s book "Seven Pillars Of Wisdom" to`s such a great book...and he was really an original type that only England seems to produce and not too often. He fits into no slot. You can`t call him one thing or three others without realizing you missed the mark and trying again won`t get you anywhere either.

Just the story that he left the manuscript in a taxi and lost it forever..and instead of calling down an airstrike on taxis, went back to his cottage and wrote the whole thing over in itself breathtaking for any book and author..but for this one...for the sustained, romantic, epic story of how this slight, illegitimate son of a maid and a member of the minor nobility went on to lead Arab forces in a desert campaign when he`d been an artist, pencil pusher, expert on Crusader castles and fortifications and almost everything BUT negotiating between Arab tribes in rebellion against the Ottoman Empire on one side and the greedy manipulations of his own Great Britain on the other... so far surpasses fiction that I still don`t believe it and I`ve read the book I don`t know how many times.

The book is miles and away better than the movie but the film is a work of genius in itself. A scene in both book and film has Lawrence saying, "No`s dirty". That`s what I say and it makes me the enema of this idiotic "Assyria".

The boys were raised on pity. They supplicated on their knees to be forgiven for jacking off, for heaven`s sake..they begged to be forgiven for this petty trifle, they pleaded to get to heaven...they went to a church where a corpse was dangling at the altar still beseeching pity, about as disgusting a thing as one could imagine..the Saints and Virgins were all forlorn and pathetic looking, the priests were hang-dog and whiney..the service consisted of intoning pleas and plea bargains with the diety all with the "sorry to bother you" the boys have when job hunting or in the presence of a White God....

What does this have to do with Assyrians? What does it have to do with Jesus? Christ didn`t piss and moan...the church wants to make him into a pisser and moaner because it suits their bottom line. The guy spoke out forcefully against the kiss-ass people of his day who were bending over to please Rome..the Bush of its day. He too was confronted with hotheads who wanted to take on the Empire and for all their minor sucesses they wound up getting their people killed and finally lost their country and temple/abbatoir...which turned out to be a blessing in disguise because they went from slaughtering more innocents to reading and writing...which can`t help but improve a Hebrew.

The boys were raised on pathos and bathos and pity and feel sorry for me and I`ve been wronged, HYSTERICALLY wronged! And they would gouge out the eyes of their children to achieve that noble "strategy" well as put out the eyes of inncoent children if they are "wrong" children.

The Semites came out of the desert with the same vitallity and vigor the later Arabs did...they came to a settled and refined Sumer and conquered it, briefly, as the Arabs conquered BetNahrain..and then the more advanced and refined culture, grown lazy and secure was jolted awake with an infusion of hot desert blood and instead of crying about what they lost and uslurpers who should go back where they came from...the two joined forces and the entire world stood up and took notice and STILL to this day marvels at the fragments..the mere fragments, the shards and bits of their culture remaining that we`ve found so far and lives in dread to read those thousands of tablets that will tell them what they don`t want to hear, that the bible is base forgery and plagarized innanity (comes from Inanna) a slaughterhouse manual...a butcher`s daily calendar..a record of cruelty and mayhem and perversion such as the world has never seen...and being attributed to THIS it any wonder his "children" are chip of that old bastard`d block and have mounted crusade upon crusade throughout history...killing their efellow Christians who were "wrong"..then killing Jews for being "wrong" and now after Muslims for being "wrong"...and this is RIGHT??

Pity is indeed dirty...when you live your National Life to get as much of it as you can.


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