Terms Of Use |
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- Wednesday, June 16 2004, 22:55:57 (CEST) from Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
Hey Jassim...fuck you! Those are my terms of use....thanks for the tripe...you think this stuff is precious or something? On the morning of June 7th a civilian sedan containing four masked men drove into the Christian Assyrian district of Dora in Baghdad, where the masked men opened fire on Assyrians on their way to work. ...On the morning of September 12th "Assyrian" looking people were thrown off of airplanes and busses...several white Christians were heard to say they didn`t trust "those" people and a Sikh and a few others were gunned down...not in Iraq but in America, bastion of Freedom and equal rights and minority protection...ask the minorities. ...These Christians weren`t the only ones with familes to feed..but they were the only ones willing to earn their daily bread by working for the forces attacking and occupying their nation against all stabdards of decency and international law..long after no evidence whatsoever was found to justify the attack and certainly not to maintain the Occupation. These Christians were asking for it...plain and simple...if not...there wouldn`t be this exodus now of Christians...why are they leaving? Why don`t they stay and open a branch office of the United States...shouldn`t they be as free to do so as they were to work for the attackers of Iraq? Isn`t it a free country? If they felt bold enough before..if they felt the Americans would protect them...why are they leaving..I just don`t understand. Four Assyrians were killed and several others seriously wounded. The three men and one woman who were murdered were identified by the Assyrian Democratic Movement (ADM) as Isho Nissan Markus, Youkhana, Duraid Sabri Hanna, Hisham Umar, and Ramziya Enwiya (female). ..."murdered"? Weren`t they martyred??? And why do these women rate special mention when Majdolin and her children were ignored by this same "news" agency? Or isn`t the murder of Christians BY Christians NEWS??? Is that routine? What about the 500,000 Assyrian children killed by the Christians these women were working for? What about the families who lost those children, many of them Christian? Is this a "news" source or a propaganda outlet? Ducmb pithath question. On the same day and in the same district, at approximately 5 P.M. another drive by shooting occurred, targeting Assyrians returning from work, mostly with the Coalition Provisional Authority. Three women, Alice Aramayis, Ayda Petros Bakus and Muna Jalal Karim, were shot and killed, along with their driver. ...those numbers pale in comparaison to 5000 Assyrian children, many of them Christian, starved to death a month for 14 years by the same Christians these few women worked for..what did they expect...gratitude? © 2004, Assyrian International News Agency. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use. ...reserve your ass Jassim. And DON`T tell me what it`s "terms of use are"..I don`t wanna know. --------------------- |
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