The Boys and Reality TV |
Posted by
- Saturday, June 19 2004, 23:09:44 (CEST) from Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
That toon at the top...that tells it like it is and has been for centuries with the Brits first and then the Americans pissing on the little guy. Since it IS real..the boys naturally don`t like it. They prefer their own fantasy in which every auto mechanic engineer is an Excelenecy and an which breaking news can promise a country..then rights...then death all in one hour and still find them delirious with "hope and faith" the next minute. Reality has been staring them in the face forever..that`s why we have less and less Assyrians who can chew gum and walk at the same time..and why we have Aprim and Jassim, Hanna, Firas and DeKelaita now to grace this graceless "nation"...the laughingstocks of the world if they would just get out there themselves and stop sending others to get killed for them. Assyrians my arse. --------------------- |
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