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=> The Enema Of Assyria Strikes Again

The Enema Of Assyria Strikes Again
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Sunday, July 4 2004, 16:52:41 (CEST)
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...I couldn`t see leaving without making this last sculpture. That`s a representation of may have heard of him..before Yahwe was shoved up your arse by the`s a long story.

He`s still in preliminary stages...but he`s come a long way since the photo was taken. Am going coss-eyed making feathers. No wonder they built so many grand things back then..they had slaves. We have free workers being treated as slaves..and look at the shlock we build.

Have to carve his Aura yet...flames and rays of light circle within circle, wheel within wheel. It struck me as I was carving this how much the Jew tabernacle images with the winged angels resemble him..see, I could have said, "he resembles"...but that would be putting the Jewish ass before the Assyrian cart and I don`t do that any more. That`s the Mandala as well..the Hindu wheel within a wheel...yeah, I know, we`re MUCH better off now that we believe in jew carpenters flying to heaven where we can go as well if only we`ll eat one and drink his much more "believeable" than those silly Assyrian gods.

As I carve away on him, I swear the strangest thoughts come to mind..the ones I write here when I take breaks..or rather when my fingers start to burn to do some other Assyrian work. If I didn`t know better I`d swear getting immersed in Assyrian things calls up Assyrian memories..maybe like the boys can`t get enough of neo-Judaism seeing as how they`re steeped in Pisheetas all day.

Asur is shooting rays of light, learning, and sunlight too, which is the best manifestation of a "God" I can think of..the sun I mean..the solar disc we gave to the Egyptians...lord lord what we gave up for cannibalism.

The figure is about 18 inches tall...the Aura will bring it close two be cast in bronze. Hmmm, I wonder how many police "Assyrians" would sic on me to get me out of their convention...and cover over this Jackie Bejan forced Ashur Golani to do at the San Jose convention?

Let it work..let it work. More of us will see these leaders for what they are...let it work. A revival of interest in our Assyrian, not Christian, heritage is the only way to flush these leaders out..I`ve already shat out Jackie...she`s just twirling round the bowl is all...won`t give up yet.


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