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=> The Forced Education of Boys

The Forced Education of Boys
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Sunday, June 20 2004, 21:14:28 (CEST)
from Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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On the Immigration test you have to pass to become a United States citizen there`s an old war horse of a question that tests to see if you read the first page of the booklet. It asks what kind of government the United States has…if you answer “Democracy”…you get it wrong. The United States is a “Republic”…that has a democractic FORM of government. You`d think our own wet-backs would know this by now…like they`d know what the concept means at all.

You have Republics when there are too many of you to voice your opinions directly. Athens had a democractic government but that was only because there were so few people judged eligible to participate in decision making. There were men…rich men and free men. And that`s it. Women, the poor and slaves were denied the rights the one true democracy in history never gave them..

Rome was a Republic, when it wasn`t nuts…and there too the right to be counted was severely limited…and no minority demanded a damn fact the numerical majority got nothing.

Every other “democracy” since Greece has been a Republic..that means you elect people to speak for you cause there isn`t room enough in any congress to accommodate you all. In America too people who had a say so in our demoractic form of government were limited to men…white white women, no slaves or indigenous people…ahem…were GIVEN any rights whatsoever.

So where did the boys get the quaint notion that in any democracy..any “true” deomocracy, minorities get their rights and persons guaranteed? They`re lucky to be ALLOWED some basic rights…but DEMANDS?

To answer my own question, the boys get their definitions from Hanna`s dictionary of the English language, that he made up to suit their purposes..they get their ideas from idiot priests…including their “conviction” that they and only they are the direct, pure, real and true descendants of the Assyrians people..whom they resemble as much as I do a Christian.

With the boys it`s all bullshit and lies ALL the time.


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