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=> The Great Cat Stevens

The Great Cat Stevens
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Sunday, July 4 2004, 18:10:40 (CEST)
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...another writer/poet/singer in the tradition of the Troubadors who will outlive his for the ages.

I lived in his old neighborhood for a couple of years..when I kidnapped my son and went to hide in New York and become a rotten sculptor who hates his people but loves tormentors...etc. We naurally gravitated to Greenwhich Village..well, isn`t that where artsist live in New York?...took over an apartment in a refurbished garage on 10th near William street..right around the corner from Houston a couple of blocks from Washinton Square....then I realized lawyers and accountants with "hip" taste and hipper bank accounts lived there and we moved to Astoria, in Queens..the "Asshole of Queens" it`s affectionately called, right where you cross into Manhattan over the 59th Street Bridge Song. Found out from the locals that Cat Stevens grew up Orthodox Greek right around the corner.

Imagine an orthodox Assyrian kid raised in a devoute Christian Assyrian family...singing in Arabic!!! Don`t we call our own people TRAITORS when they sing in Arabic??? What would we do to an Assyrian Christian singer, of the caliber of Cat Stevens...and only Ashur Bet Sargis comes close...who became Muslim? Do you think we`d ever hire him for parties again..what, and support a TRAITOR?? Wouldn`t we want to see him financially ruined...make sure he went broke and no one ever heard of him Jackie Bejan and Atour Golani tried to do to me? And wouldn`t we call such behavior GREAT leadershit of the Assyrian throw out our own people when they betray the Jew religion we picked up?

It is BOUND to be the poets and artists and independent thinkers who do the THINKING in any group of people. And among us our artsist, not our hacks, can`t help but "question" young people have done in EVERY nation. Yet look what we do to them. Look at the treatment Rabel Shmuel received at the hands of Assyrian Nationalist Heroes and Patriots...look at the way they removed his painting because he used THEIR color, a street gang ZOWAA if there ever was a painting he tried to display to our show them we aren`tr brain dead as well as soul dead...but only Benz ALIVE!

What can you hope to have left besides a Hanna Hajjar who wins praise for running a tatoo parlor where he writes Christian adverts on people`s skin? To insist that all true Assyrians have to remain narrow-minded enough to never question a goddamned thing..except why our singers are betraying us by singing in another language is to scare away our younger people..the ones we keep crying favor of the kinds of old farts who will never do anything but sniff Jew Pishetas all their lives.

This way madness lies.

The Greeks never threw Cat Stevens away...not the way we throw our own away. He`s no traitor to any "Greek" concept or fact the Greek heritage INVENTED democracy, which implies a bit of respect for freedom of choice. Cat made a CHOICE..about which religion out of MANY to believe in...the same fucking thing Assyrians claim THEY did when they abandoned why don`t we all stop this bigotry masquerading as Nationalism..okay?

It`s killing us.


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