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=> The Irish and The Assyrians

The Irish and The Assyrians
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Sunday, July 4 2004, 19:12:54 (CEST)
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Elizabeth I...having inherited an England in the throes of reigious upheaval and barely escaping assassination herself as a Protestant in a still Catholic nation...had to work like the inspired devil she was to make the new sect stick. There were several Catholic plots, urged on by the Pope to have her killed. Realizing that Catholic Ireland would always be a potential threat in her back as she faced Catholic France and Spain..much as Muslims feared Christians behind their backs..she hastened to re-conquer Ireland..this time by giving tracts of land to her newly made Protestant nobility to go settle there and gradually displace the indigenous Irish and build a faithful bulwark to her Protestant throne and title. Hell, she was even illegitimate and could have been barred the throne on those grounds alone...

Christianity was no more indigenous to Ireland than it was to BetNahrain...and the new Protestants were just the same old Christians but really the Irish were being settled by the English, as they`d been already, but these were Protestant Christian English and that made all the differecne in the world because it elevated this into god`s realm, the place where Evil thrives so the Irish could now kill each others children with godly abandon.

And they`ve been doing that very thing till just a couple of years ago when Protestant Irish Orangemen lined the streets to hurl spit, insults and then bombs at Irish Catholic shoolchildren WALKING THROUGH their Protestant, Christian, Irish neighborhoods. Such is the real gift of religion.

The Irish are ONE PEOPLE...divided by the same religion..never mind different religions. For decades and centuries they`ve been killing each other for god. Irish Catholiocs will swear to you that Irish Protestants are ALL from England and should go back where they came from, that they are uslurpers illegally in Ireland etc.

It is true that the original Protestant settlers were from England, but hell that`s hardly THAT far away. The English were already in Ireland before the Protestant was just the new religious realities meant that meant the Irish posed a greater threat to an unsettled Englnad which still didn`t know which way it was heading...back to orthodoxy or forward into anathema...silly people.

But in time the native Irish married with the English Protestants as always happens, love being a much greater force than religious hatred...till today it matters little whose ancestors came from England originally and whose were merely converts to another sect of the same fucking corportate religion. Irish Protestants, whose ancestors did NOT migrate from England, are as fiercely hateful of their own people for being Catholic as the native Catholics hate them for being turncoats and traitors to Ireland and nationalism and all that good stuff. And yet they are one people divided by religion, the SAME religion and still bent out of shape over old immigration patterns and conquests when everyone else has settled into being nations made up of different people who happen to have many religions..but the Irish are STILl back there in them good odl days, hating and killing each other`s children..except now that economic prosperity has come to the entire seems it isn`t so important to blow up children..for now.

Our Christian boys are in the same retrograde mode of behavior. They swear that any Muslim in BetNahrain HAS to be from Arabia, or England..and is therfore a traitor, an occupier, a uslurper and should go back where he came from. What they refuse to admit is that, just as they picked up one Jew religion, Christianity, when the Romans came swarming over them...other Assyrians picked up on another brand, Islam, when the Arabs conquered them...but that they are also the same people divided, in this case, by variants of the SAME religion, Judaism. As the Irish remain divided by sects of the SAM religion, Christianity.

To "prove" they can`t be the same they ask the silly question..."would brother kill brother then...would Muslims persecute and torture and torment and call pigs their BROTHERS"? To which the obvious and historically accurate answer is..." hell fact, a brother will feel even more hatred for a brother who turns agsinst HIM by turning against his god"! If it proves anything, the violence and hatred between Muslim Assyrians and Christian Assyrians PROVES they are the same people..and where our Jassims and their BetBassoos are concerned, the EXACT same assholes dwell on both sides of the family.

If the Irish can join civilization so can we..and we don`t need a triangle to do it from..we have a country already..a beautiful and rich one, rich in every way..far wealthier than Ireland ever was..and we don`t need to tear it apart through other people just because of a difference in religious tastes..tastes forced on all of us to get us away from Ashur..who united us all.

We will never be one, never unite unless we join as one with ALL our people and put these Jew based religions in a cage where they belong. It will take years and years to accomplish...but we have no choice..unless you want BetNahrain to become another Disneyland where we`re all reduced to playing Mouseketeers, serving vacationing American corporations.


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