The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> There may be health benefits to that bottle of beer

There may be health benefits to that bottle of beer
Posted by Tiglath (Guest) - Sunday, June 13 2004, 10:51:38 (CEST)
from Australia - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title:


I picked up an error in your article titled, "There may be health benefits to that bottle of beer" that I would like to bring to your attention.

In the sentence, 'Assyrian tablets suggest beer was on board Noah's Ark,' the author, Joanne Sasvari, makes a mistake in calling the character from the Epic of Gilgamesh's chapter 11, Noah. The Assyrian antecedent of Noah is none other than Napishtim from the Epic of Gilgamesh who collected two animals of every kind and built an ark.

Just as the Babylonian King Hammurabi's code of laws preceded Moses's abridged Ten commandments.

Just as the Akkadian poem, I Will Praise the Lord of Wisdom (Ludlul bel nemeqi) which deals with the problem of the righteous sufferer, was written before the Book of Job.

Let's not forget the ancient Sumerian love poems written to commemorate the sacred marriage of the Godess Ishtar and God Tammuz appears to have been plagarised in the "Song of Solomon."

As well as this it was the Akkadian King Sargon who was found floating down a river as a babe years before Moses.

It was also the God Enki(Ea) who came down and forced people to speak in tongues way before the Jewish god Yawheh came down and stopped the tower of Babel.

In fact you will discover that most of the Bible has been heavily influenced by the ancient Mesopotamian myths epics and poetry.

I hope that you can change the character to Napushtin's Ark, reflecting it's original source.

Thanks in advance for your time and consideration.

David Chibo


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