Tiglath Makes Them Work |
Posted by
- Monday, June 28 2004, 3:03:38 (CEST) from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
...I`m surprized they haven`t banned him yet..he`s forcing the boys to do more "work" than they ever have. They must be wondering too...where`s mama to step in for them when they`re getting beaten up? : Back to the future..... Written by Atra on 27 Jun 2004 20:46:25: As an answer to: Re: Back to the future..... written by Tiglath on 27 Jun 2004 08:38:58: You wrote:>>>Actually I am the advocate of our people. *** Not true at all ...we expect you to say that...but as usual you don`t explain how or why...just speak the words and move on...like it proved something. You were an advocate for sending the United States to Iraq to bring Freedom and Demcracy and you just recently found out that there is a majority of Muslims in Iraq and that demcracy means "Majority Rule" and that there`s one pissed off majority in Iraq now that didn`t exist until you sent Bush there to piss them all off. And how does this qualify as "advocacy"? and may be you should take a different venue and step aside because what you're doing now is harming your people and not helping them at all. ...what he`s doing is leting some fresh air and new ideas in..the only discommoded ones are you and the few others you guys pulled out from under the rocks. You`d despertaley like him to get banned...the real meaning of "change venues"...so you could just be Great all by yourselves...instead you`re forced to come out and repeat your nonsense where people can finally judge it against a backdrop that includes ONE OTHER point of view..which completely unhinges you. You wrote:>>>Remember there's a big difference between the Kurdish political groups such as KDP and the Kurdish people. *** May be you should remember that those Kurds whom you're saying there is a difference between them and their so-called authorities, the likes of KDP are the ones who are agressing the Assyrians and want to take over their lands by force, the one and most fundamental thing that the KDP and all other kurdish parties are doing there is that they are turning both eyes blind to all that is committed.Remember the apple doesn't fall far away from the tree. ...all fluff and nonsense..you didn`t answer the point..the Kurdish people are NOT the parties. Bush wasn`t elected by the people either but his party of hacks are running the country anyway. Then you wrote:>>>The problem is that Assyrians were leaving in droves selling their lands and fleeing to the West. *** Why they were not doing this before??? They are trying to flee now because they are seeing first hand that there is no justice and that no matter how much they complain no one will hear them and they are being threatened day in and day out. ..the Iraqi people have been more than threatened for 14 years..they`ve faced two wars, child killings, rapes and all manner of degradation and violence...yet enough of them stayed to defend the country. You are welcome to flee or to stay..the ones who flea`d did so because they were breaking Iraq`s laws..you cannot teach sedition in the guise of "history"..especially not when that hysteria comes from Syriac manuscripts which neither the Iraqi people nor I, accept as anything more than the usual fantasy-mongering your church loves so. There are plenty of Christians in Iraq who were doing just fine till you decided that if you can`t get YOUR way, they and then everyone else might as well die. You know what may be you should pay closer attention so that you can differentiate between the victim and the culprit.What the kurds are doing is like some one who feeds a lamb and then he approaches the lamb with a wolf,thus causing the lamb to be fearful and lose all that he ate. ...oh grow up...keep your fairy tales and stick to the point. You guys all sound like nags and scolds.."maybe you should WAKE UP!"...maybe you should "CHANGE YOUR VENUES"! Maybe you should STOP AND LOOK"!! Just stick to the point..the fact that Kurd kills Christian and Christian kills Kurd and robs and cheats too doesn`t PROOVES they are worlds apart..if anything it proves the opposite. In religious wars between religions OR SECTS, brother kills brother with greater ease and a lighter conscience than he would in any other similar situation...you keep pointing to the murder of Christians as PROOVES that they and Muslims CAN`T BE THE SAME...when the very fact that they kill each other over religion proves they`re JUST the same. ...all you do is repeat your facts about Kurdish violence...that and try to say ALL Kurds are therefore apples, or something. We`re saying the violence proves nothing about the PEOPLE...who are ALL violent and prone to violence... >>And you know all this cause you're their advocate ? >Actually I am the advocate of our people. All our people whether they be Assyrian, Kurdish, Shiite or Arab. I will gladly take Barzani himself to court should he commit a crime against our people just as I'd defend the Kurds against Assyrian Christian fundamentalists such as Steve who's praying for Armaggedon. >>They are doing a good job on their own taking over the Assyrian heartland without your help or you think that you need to give them further incentive ? ..nothing but cheap shots. It isn`t an "Assyrian heartland"..it isn`t "Assyrian land". It`s Iraqi land and in the time honored tradition of this planet and the people on it, including the Assyrians..anyone can take anything and keep it as long as he can. ..you are not "Assyrians"...you are certainly NOT "Assyrians" because you are CHRISTIANS!!! The Kurds are taking what they can of Iraqi lands..they are not YOUR lands. >Not true. I was in north Iraq and I investigated the matter firsthand. The problem is that Assyrians were leaving in droves selling their lands and fleeing to the West. While there were cases of greedy Kurdish farmers who commit crimes against some Assyrians in an attempt to force them to leave and take their lands, the majority were living side by side in harmony with the Kurds. Remember there's a big difference between the Kurdish political groups such as KDP and the Kurdish people. >>Now turn the tables and look around and see how your people(oh excuse me) the Assyrian people are being stripped of whatever dignity at the hands of your friends,or you can't see that! ...oh excuse ME..the CHRISTIANS...you are NOT Assyrians...not unless everyone in BetNahrain is Assyrian..as Assyrian as they want to be. They don`t claim Islam is THE SAME AS ASSYRIAN...they don`t say Muhammad is "almost the same as Ashur"...YOU do! Being Assyrian is a part of their past history. a history rich with glory AFTER Nineveh fell and AFTER they got off their knees and back on horseback weilding swords and books where they belonged. ..to you boys your world ended, not when Nineveh fell..hell no, had it NOT fallen and had there been no Jew Messiah, that would have ENDED your world...your world STARTED when Ashur fell and you put a jew carpenter up in his place..and when Islam came...you ran and you`ve hated our people for turning in a different direction than you turned. >They are not being stripped of anything. The US is making false promises to the Kurds and throwing our people the crumbs from the table. But the US will be leaving once its mission to spend the US surplus is complete. Until then they'll pretend that they're staying and fighting "terrorism." Once they leave the Kurds and Assyrians will have to start from scratch and all the rights agreed upon up to now aren't worth the paper they're written on. ...and when that becomes obvious to them..which could take some as they just discovered Iraq is made up of a majority of Muslims and also just learned that Democracy does not mean "protecting Christian minorities"...given how incredibly slow the boys are it will take them time to realize they got the same shaft they always get...that while it feels good goig in, it hurts like hell coming out...but then they`ll just blame YOU...for not TITTYING your VENUES! --------------------- |
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