Toon At The Top |
Posted by
- Thursday, June 17 2004, 1:01:54 (CEST) from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
...not to be denied a New Look ourselves...after the fashion..we put that old toon right up front. That was our editorial comment two years ago when Aprim, Jassim, DeKelatita and the rest of that Gang of Three were predicting better days ahead if only the United States would go kill some more Iraqis, "and try not to hit the Christians...too much". The toon is a simple in a toon is worth 1000 hysteric and breathless posts. That`s Iraq down there getting pissed on by two Christian rivers of piss...weren`t so far off were we? That toon was called a disgrace and a shame..just the toon! Never mind what actually happened..what the boys urged on and are STILL praying for more if the United States just sticks around and kills some more Iraqis...they`ll eventually have only grateful Christians left....hhmmmm Terms of use are that you can do with it what you will..or, as you like it. --------------------- |
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